
Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, Dr John Cortes, has congratulated the Director and staff of the Gibraltar Botanic Gardens and the Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park (AWCP), for achieving provisional membership of the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA).

Unite the Union and the Moroccan Community Association have issued public statements expressing concerns over the MOD's treatment of one of its employees.

The Foreign Affairs spokesman for the UK Liberal Democrats, Tom Brake MP, is in Gibraltar on a fact-finding visit in order to achieve a better understanding of the impact of the decision taken in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union.

The next in the Gibraltar Museum’s lecture series held in collaboration with the Gorham’s Cave Complex and the Gibraltar Scientific Society, will be held this Thursday 16th February at 7pm at the Charles Hunt Room, John Mackintosh Hall.

In 2014, the Government brought in new regulations to enable qualified and registered midwives to prescribe and use certain prescription medicines without necessarily calling upon a doctor. These included pain relief medicines, drugs that promoted the well-being of the baby and products that assisted the mother during labour.

The public ballot for the allocation of housing in Charles Bruzon House took place on Thursday. The ballot was conducted in the communal lounge area and offered new tenants the opportunity to view their new homes for the first time. The atmosphere was buzzing with happy tenants who attended and many of whom were also accompanied by many family members for this important day.

The Gibraltar Health Authority have announced that  a new repeat prescription service has today been introduced at the Primary Care Centre. This new system will allow patients to request a repeat prescription of their regular medications without necessarily having to book a further appointment with a GP.

Gibraltar International Airport has been shortlisted by PrivateFly, one of the leading online booking platforms for private aviation charter in its most Scenic Airport Landing Poll for 2017.

Neil Costa MP, Minister for Justice has today visited New Mole House Police Station and addressed the recruits currently undergoing their initial police training course.

As part of its ongoing Operation Roadwatch, the RGP is conducting an enforcement phase all this week aimed at tackling the use of mobile phones whilst driving.

Last Friday evening, RGP marine officers seized an abandoned 14 metre Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) powered with four 350 hp outboard engines, of the type used for drug trafficking across the Straits of Gibraltar.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry for Culture, is inviting local artists to the annual Art Competition for Young Artists that will be held in March 2017.

The Government of Gibraltar and the MOD have jointly announced that the old Gatehouse at Gunwharf will be protected for future generations.

Government has announced that the 5th edition of the Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival will run from 16th to 19th November 2017.

Reacting to news that Government will be tabling a motion before Parliament to approve the award of the Gibraltar Medallion of Honour to US Congressman George Holding, Equality Rights Group have called for members of Parliament to think twice.

Following a "productive and positive meeting" held last Friday 3rd of January at No. 6 with the Chief Minister, Unite the Union would like to "reassure all its Members at Master Services that should another company other than Master Services be successful in their tender bid for the cleaning services, both Unite and G.O.G are fully committed to ensuring that none of the workers within the company lose out to any of their current terms and conditions including pay."

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, have announced the 2017 Gibraltar Drama Festival will take place from Monday 20th to Saturday 25th March 2017. All performances will take place at the Ince’s Hall.

Government has said it "notes with utter incredulity the GSD’s latest attempt to distort facts in their attempt to score political points with regards to the Marrache case."

The Chief Minister held separate meetings today, firstly with the Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Feetham and Opposition Member Roy Clinton of the GSD Opposition and subsequently with independent member, Marlene Hassan Nahon, for them to be briefed on the institutional investment in Gibraltar of £300m recently raised by Gibraltar Capital Assets Limited ("GCA").

The Government of Gibraltar has submitted an official complaint to the EU Commission regarding the recurring episodes of flaring at the San Roque CEPSA refinery, with specific reference to the incident last Sunday 29th January.

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