The Department of Education, Director of Public Health, the Department of Paediatrics at the GHA and the University of Gibraltar are asking for parental support this week to undertake a short survey to explore how much children between the ages of 5 and 17 use screen-based devices, play video games and what their spending habits are when playing video games.
GHA Director General Kevin McGee attended a presentation by RICC (Research into Childhood Cancer) of medical equipment to St Bernard’s Hospital on Friday 20th August 2024.
Gibraltar Cultural Services has announced the nominees for the 2024 Cultural Awards. The Awards aim to celebrate the best of Gibraltar’s arts and culture recognising potential, ability, talent, and achievements throughout Gibraltar’s cultural community.
The Gibraltar Tourist Board has announced two further additions to the Gibunco Gibraltar Literary Festival’s acclaimed line-up.
The Gibraltar Tourist Board has announced a further two speakers for this year’s edition of the Gibunco Gibraltar Literary Festival.
The Mindspace Project, a Gibraltar-based charity recently wrapped up its two-week Summer Camp program, marking another milestone in its mission to nurture mental health and resilience in the community.
Public Health Gibraltar, in conjunction with a number of local mental health charities, are conducting a survey to better understand the effects of mental health stigma for those people who are living with or have had mental health issues in the past.
Minister for Equality, Employment, Culture, Tourism and Youth, The Hon. Minister Christian Santos GMD MP was delighted to present certificates at The Mindspace Project Summer Camp awards ceremony.
The Government strongly condemns the incursion into Eastern Beach of a Spanish civil guard patrol boat this afternoon.
The Minister for Sport, the Hon Leslie Bruzon, attended the 11th Commonwealth Sports Ministers meeting in Paris, France on the 25th July.
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