The Government has published a Bill, to be taken to Parliament by the Minister for Environment John Cortes, to amend the Traffic Act in relation to road traffic accidents (RTAs) involving animals.

As it stands the Act requires RTAs involving horses, oxen, asses, mules, sheep, pigs, goats, dogs or monkeys to be reported, but not cats.

Concerned cat owners who have recently experienced their pets affected by RTAs raised this matter with the Minister recently, hence the amendment. At the same time foxes and otters are being added also, given that animals of both species have been killed on our roads in the past year.

The Minister, the Department of Environment and animal charities are all calling for greater awareness by drivers who are urged to take greater care and be alert to the presence of animals on our roads, particularly at night when they are more active and also likely to be less visible.

The Minister for the Environment and Transport, the Hon John Cortes said: “I am very happy to have introduced this amendment in response to the request. Like much of our environmental legislation, we are ahead of the UK where cat RTAs are not reportable and a request to include them was rejected by the Government recently. It really is important to look out for animals when driving. People have lost pets and we have lost individuals of species which have colonised Gibraltar and which add diversity to our wildlife. I hope that these amendments will serve to raise the necessary awareness”.

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