His Excellency, Lieutenant General Sir Ben Bathurst KCVO, CBE has appointed Mr Peter C Montegriffo KC as the Chair of the Gibraltar Police Authority, acting on the advice of the Specified Appointments Commission, for a term of three years effective from 1 August 2024 on the expiry of the second term of office of Dr Joey Britto.

H.E. The Governor expresses his gratitude to Dr Britto for his dedication and commitment to the Authority over the past six years. Under Dr Britto’s leadership of the Authority, the Royal Gibraltar Police has made great strides in reforming processes and practices and excellent progress in meeting the recommendations of His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services.

Mr Peter C Montegriffo KC has been a legal practitioner in Gibraltar for over 35 years and served as Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry in the first GSD government between May 1996 and February 2000. When they met him, the Specified Appointments Commission were very impressed with Mr Montegriffo’s interest in and understanding of the role, and his commitment to public service.

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