A-level pupils of the Young Enterprise ‘EmployEase’ team met with the Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon. Nigel Feetham KC MP, to showcase and discuss their innovative project.

Their project, EmployEase, aims to establish a streamlined pathway for students seeking employment and internship prospects, and bridges the gap between job seekers and employers in Gibraltar’s job market through a user-friendly website.

EmployEase operates on the principles of efficiency and connectivity, aligning with the Ministry's youth initiative, the Connect Hub, which aims to empower young people in our community and raise awareness of career opportunities in the finance sectors in Gibraltar. Through EmployEase, employers can easily list job openings while job seekers can apply directly through the platform.

Minister Feetham extended congratulations to EmployEase for winning the award for Best Financial Management at the Young Enterprise Awards, stating: "Congratulations to EmployEase for their outstanding achievement. Winning the Best Financial Management award is a testament to their dedication and hard work. We applaud their success and look forward to seeing their continued growth and impact."

Minister Feetham further commented, "EmployEase exemplifies the innovative spirit of Gibraltar's youth. It aligns perfectly with our Connect Hub initiative, empowering young people to explore career options and facilitating connections between employers and the next generation of talent.”

The Ministry's support underscores the importance of empowering youth-led initiatives and reflects the Government’s commitment to fostering innovation.

 The EmployEase website can be accessed via the https://www.employeasegibraltar.com

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