Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, is extending the deadline for the call out to local artists interested in being a part of an international contemporary art fair.

The fair will take place in Gibraltar at the end of August and is organised and produced by Art Space 24.

Participation is open to Gibraltar and Gibraltar resident artists. Applicants will need to submit:

• A statement detailing recent projects

• A portfolio with samples of works

• A brief description of why they should be selected to exhibit at the international fair.

Two artists will be selected to exhibit at the international fair with artists’ booths paid for by GCS. The share of any sales by the successful artists at the fair, will be as follows:

• 50% Artist

• 25% Reinvested into GCS cultural projects

• 25% Art Space fundraising programme.

Those wishing to apply can do so via email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the closing date for applications on Friday 7th June 2024.

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