The Gibraltar Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) hosted an event to celebrate Volunteer’s Week 2024, which was from the 3rd to 9th June.

CAB wished to especially celebrate their volunteers who help in several areas to include translation services, counselling, mediation, letter writing, advice on finances, and CV writing. Without these volunteers CAB would not be able to offer the level and volume of services they do for the community.

Minister for Equality, The Hon. Christian Santos GMD MP was invited by Chief Executive Pili Rodriguez to open the event and present some of the volunteers with certificates to recognise their work and support. These volunteers make a great contribution to CAB in outreach services as well as to other specialist services the Bureau has set up.

Volunteers can make a real difference to other’s lives and put their experiences and expertise to good use. It is also the perfect opportunity to rise to new challenges, try something different, and afford the volunteer the chance to develop new talents and skills.

'Gibraltar has always been fortunate to have so many selfless individuals who give of their time, effort and dedication to volunteer in so many areas. This week puts a spotlight on the valuable work they do.'

Minister for Equality, The Hon. Christian Santos GMD MP said: “I am honoured to have been invited by CAB to attend their event on the 4th June to thank and celebrate their volunteers. We are a very generous community, not just in the giving of financial donations but also with our time. My heartfelt thanks to all volunteers in Gibraltar who through their selflessness make our homeland that much more caring, empathetic and better.


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