The Care Agency hosted an open day at St Bernadette’s Resource Centre. The event welcomed allied health professionals, Government stakeholders and local charities who collaborate with the Care Agency, offering them an exclusive insight into the diverse and essential services the organisation provides.

The open day featured various Care Agency departments, each setting up informative stalls that served as showcases for the invaluable work they do, allowing attendees to engage directly with the staff and learn about the wide range of services offered.

The open day fostered stronger relationships between the Agency, allied health professionals, Government stakeholders, and local charities. It was a day filled with meaningful interactions, informative presentations and a collective commitment to enhancing community care.

CEO of the Care Agency, Carlos Banderas, expressed his profound appreciation and gratitude towards his staff, highlighting the incredible teamwork that made the event a resounding success. He said: "The dedication and passion of our teams are truly inspiring. Today’s event has given us a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate the vital services we provide to our community every day."

Minister for Health and Care, the Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez, stated: "The Care Agency carry out a great role, which is an absolute pleasure to support. Its staff are committed to the Care Agency’s mission of delivering exceptional care services and look forward to further collaboration with its partners to continue improving the lives of those in the community."

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