"Good evening. 2016 was a tumultuous year around the whole world. And yet in Gibraltar, we have been able to enjoy the recent Christian Christmas and Jewish Hannukah feasts in peace and surrounded by plentiful abundance.
Pool’s longest running invitational event, the World Pool Masters, will take place at the Tercentenary Hall, Gibraltar, from Friday to Sunday 17th – 19th February.
Government has stated it has felt it necessary to clarify the circumstances at St Bernard’s Hospital.
Government have advised that a Bill to permit the establishment of private foundations in Gibraltar was published on 5th January 2017 and is available via the following link http://www.gibraltarlaws.gov.gi/bills.php
The Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) is pleased to announce another year of growth across most areas of activity following its performance review for 2016.
The Commissioner of Police Eddie Yome welcomed the latest RGP and GDP recruit intake whilst addressing the new recruits at New Mole House. The current recruit class is made up of 18 RGP and 11 GDP recruit constables.
Read more: Commissioner of Police Welcomes New Recruit Intake
It is with great sadness that the Royal Gibraltar Police mourns the passing of Retired Commissioner of Police Joseph (Pepe) Morello after a long illness.
Read more: RGP Offers Obituary for the Late Retired Commissioner of Police Joseph Morello
The John Mackintosh Hall gallery will host a viewing of the Gibraltar Collection from Monday 16th to Friday 20th January 2017.
Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar notes the comments made by Unite the Union and wishes to clarify several points.
Read more: Government Notes the Comments Made by Unite the Union
The Royal Gibraltar Police is currently investigating a Robbery that occurred between 1930hrs and 2010hrs on the 2nd January 2017 in the area of Prince Edwards Road, in the vicinity of forty steps.
The officers of the Environmental Protection and Research Unit of the Department of the Environment and Climate Change (DECC) saw the year close with the stranding of three animals: one razorbill at Sandy Bay followed by two loggerhead turtles, the first at Eastern Beach and the second at Catalan Bay.
2016 marked the successful inscription of Gibraltar’s first World Heritage Site. The Gorham’s Cave Complex became the United Kingdom’s 30th World Heritage Site, significantly in the year that marked the 30th anniversary of the first United Kingdom sites to be inscribed.
Read more: Closing Gibraltar’s World Heritage Year and Looking Forward to 2017
The Department of the Environment and Climate Change has for the first time introduced a Christmas tree recycling programme for the disposal of real Christmas trees.
Vox would like to wish its readers a happy and prosperous 2017
Her Majesty The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards:
Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture is pleased to announce the programme of events for the New Year’s Eve Celebrations. The events that are being organised by Fresh Entertainment will be held on Saturday 31st December 2016 at Casemates Square from 10.30pm to 3am on Sunday 1st January 2017.
"As Lorraine and I approach the end of our first year on the Rock, may I first, take this opportunity to say how deeply humbled, and forever grateful, we are for the Gibraltarian People’s embracing friendship, and your generosity of spirit and deed, from the moment we stepped ashore in January.
Since July 2015, HM Government of Gibraltar has been issuing replacement Electronic Identity Cards free of charge and, so far, approximately 32,500 cards have been issued. This free issue of replacement cards will cease on 31 December 2016. With effect from 1 January 2017, the fee for the issue of first time cards will be £25.00.
Read more: Electronic Identity Card Fees – Notice of Prescribed Fees
Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS) on behalf of the Ministry of Culture is proud to announce that Kimberley Pecino has recently obtained a qualification accredited by CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) and is now a certified professional librarian.
Read more: Kimberley Appointed as John Mackintosh Hall Librarian
At a reception held at the International Police Association (IPA) club, Commissioner of Police Eddie YOME, in the presence of His Excellency the Governor Lt General Edward Davis, and the Hon Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, presented the traditional annual staff awards following a process of nominations received from peers and management alike.
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