The Gibraltar Tourist Board and the Finance Centre Department will be holding a series of high profile events in Morocco between 27th November and 1st December.
The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo , and the Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Joseph Garcia, are in Cardiff on an official visit at the invitation of the First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones AM. The invitation arises from a meeting between Mr Picardo and Mr Jones during the Labour Party conference in September.
Read more: CM Invited to Address British Irish Parliamentary Assembly Dinner
A team of local firefighters from the Gibraltar Fire & Rescue Service travelled to Montgomery, Alabama to represent Gibraltar in the 25th anniversary of the World Firefighter Combat Challenge, and made it all the way to the Finals!
Following the success of the Bus Tracker WebApp for Routes 2, 3 and 4, Govt are pleased to announce the launch of the eagerly awaited Route 9.
Negotiators and Scientists from over 200 countries were in Marrakech last week for the latest UN Climate Change conference, COP22, the first meeting since the signing of the historic Paris Agreement. Gibraltar Government Scientists Dr Liesl Mesilio-Torres and Stephen Warr from the Department of the Environment and Climate Change represented Gibraltar at the meeting, which was also attended by Prof. Daniella Tilbury of the University of Gibraltar.
In a joint statement to media, Equality Rights Group and rehabilitation NGO, ‘Stay Clean’, have called for Gibraltar ‘to stop punishing and penalising the use of cannabis. That situation only benefits the mafias, who've had it too good for too long and grown fat on the profits. That has to end. Instead, we must look to the authorities, not the gangsters, to control this particular demand and supply problem. We've left it too long. Government and Society must now assume responsibility for bringing back control!’
Read more: ERG & Stay Clean Call For Legalisation of Cannabis
The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has said that the wider complex issues surrounding Brexit have helped to raise the profile of Gibraltar in the European Union. There is considerable interest in Gibraltar following the 96% vote to remain and the ongoing developments since the referendum of 23 June.
Read more: Considerable Interest in Gibraltar in Brussels, says Garcia
Government has announced today it will shortly introduce new disabilities legislation in the form of the Disability Act, modelled on the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.
Read more: Government to Introduce Disability Act and Building Rules
The Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) recently sent three members of its staff to attend a training course for Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Supervisors held at South Tyneside College in Newcastle where they undertook two weeks of study in management, emergency procedures and effective supervision in the VTS operations room.
Read more: Gibraltar Port Authority Operators Undergo Continuation Training
HM Customs will commence Operation Comet. The objective of this operation is the Collection of import duty and the enforcement of prohibitions and restrictions, particularly fireworks, over the weeks leading to Christmas and the New Year.
"On Thursday the 17th November, all Ministry Of Defence Locally Entered Civilians were issued with a letter updating them about their role and how would the new operating model affect them personally."
CM Fabian Picardo has today issued a statement in which he 'notes the press reports of a case filed against him in Madrid by activists of the Spanish right wing political group "Vox".'
Following the highly successful International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) convention held in Gibraltar last week, key members of the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) hosted a productive meeting with top level representatives from the bunkering sector at the Maritime and Port Authority ( MPA ) of Singapore.
Read more: Gibraltar Port Engages With its Singapore Colleagues
Commissioner of Police Eddie Yome and Chief Inspector Edgar Lopez recently attended the 85th Interpol General Assembly held in Indonesia. Under tight security from several hundred officers, the host nation provided a secure environment for 830 delegates from 164 countries, including countries’ national police chiefs, to meet for four days under the theme of “Identifying and meeting member countries’ security needs in the face of an ever- changing threat landscape.”
The Department of Education, in conjunction with the Kusuma Trust and the Gibraltar University, recently hosted a 3-day in-service on Computer Science.
The Government has brought an action seeking the annulment of a decision taken by the European Commission on the practice of tax rulings in Gibraltar. It did so on Wednesday of last week by means of an application lodged with the European Court in Luxembourg.
The Gibraltar Tourist Board exhibited at the 37th annual World Travel Market in London from 7-9 November. WTM is the leading global event for the international travel industry and a unique opportunity for tourist trade representatives from across the world to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business.
During the Chief Minister’s speech at the opening of the IBIA Annual Convention on Wednesday he announced that the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) has joined the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF). Speaking to over 150 delegates at the opening of the International Bunker Industry Association's annual convention at the Sunborn, the Chief Minister stated that he was delighted to see the port playing its part in this exciting development in the shipping world.
Detectives currently investigating the assault on a woman in the area of Line Wall Road on Saturday 5th November, are seeking to trace and speak to a young male wearing dark clothing and white trainers, who is captured on CCTV footage running south along Reclamation Road from the direction of the American War Memorial, at about 0158hrs 05/11/2016.
This year’s Christmas Festival of Lights will be held on Friday 18th November 2016 at John Mackintosh Square. The entertainment will be presented by Christian Santos and commences at 6pm with live music, song and dance.
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