Immediately after his arrival in Brussels on Wednesday morning, the Chief Minister addressed a think tank comprising politicians, EU officials, lawyers, journalists and representatives of major European institutions.
The Gibraltar Museum has won the Festival Award at the recent Twickenham Alive Film Festival 2016 with a short film showcasing the Gorham’s Cave Complex UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Chief Minister met on Monday with MoD representatives of Unite the Union on issues relating to the recent announcement of voluntary redundancies.
Read more: MoD Job Losses - Govt Stands by Locally Employed Civilians
The Royal Gibraltar Police are aware of an incident on Saturday evening whereby a young female was confronted by an unknown person dressed as a clown and wielding what appeared to be a baseball bat, resulting in the juvenile feeling distressed and intimidated.
Read more: Police Issue “Killer Clown” Anti-Social Behaviour Warning
"Dear Mr Picardo,
The Secular Humanist Society of Gibraltar wholeheartedly welcomes the imminent amendments to the Marriage Act to make same sex marriage a reality, finally bringing about equality for all in this area.
October 2015 saw the Care Agency’s Social Services fostering and adoption team launch its first awareness campaign for a number of years.
The Department of Education wishes to announce that the 2017 edition of the Careers Fair will take place on Tuesday 28th February 2017 at the Tercentenary Hall.
Government has introduced the Gibraltar Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme 2016 (ESOS), under the Environmental Protection (Energy End-Use Efficiency) Act 2009. The Gibraltar ESOS Regulations 2016 give effect to Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU).
Read more: ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) Regulations 2016
The Ministry of Culture are presenting the first Gibraltar International Magic Festival, which will take place from 5th-11th December.
The Airport Fire and Rescue Service will conduct practical Emergency Response Driver Training for new drivers from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th October.
Read more: Weekend Emergency Response Driver Training for the Airport Fire and Rescue Service
An Act of Remembrance will take place at the Gibraltar War Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in the UK on 13th October, the first anniversary of its unveiling.
The Unite MOD/ISP Branch met on Wednesday 5th October 2016 to discuss the operating model and man power changes provided by MOD Gibraltar.
The Gibraltar Museum and the Fundacion Atapuerca (an important non-profit organisation set up to support scientific research and excavations in the Sierra de Atapuerca) have agreed to create a co-operative network of scientific research teams on human evolution associated with UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Internationally-acclaimed Gibraltarian painter and Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year 2014, Christian Hook, is the latest addition to the Gibraltar Gibunco International Literary Festival programme of speakers. He will discuss his new book ‘La Busqueda’, and give readers a privileged insight into his artistic work.
Read more: Christian Hook Confirmed for Gibunco Gibraltar Literary Festival 2016
‘Neither in 4 years or in 4,000 or any other longer time, the Spanish flag will never fly over Gibraltar. It's "No way, Jose", so get used to it!’ - Picardo
Chief Minister's Address to the Fourth Committee of The United Nations General Assembly
Read more: Picardo - "You will never get your hands on our Rock. Never."
The Chief Minister hosted the traditional Gibraltar reception at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham last Sunday.
Read more: Chief Minister Hosts Gibraltar Reception at the Conservative Party Conference
The Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry for Culture, have announced the return of the Teatro Lirico Andaluz to perform in Gibraltar as part of the Ministry’s autumn cultural programme.
Thirty nursing, medical and paramedical professionals from the Gibraltar Health Authority are this week attending an Advanced Life and Trauma Support (ATLS) Course at the University of Gibraltar (5th to 8th October).
The Department of the Environment and Climate Change (DECC) has been working closely with regional marine experts to confirm the presence of an invasive brown algae in Gibraltar originating from central America and the Caribbean.
Read more: Gibraltar Takes Part in Regional Marine Research of Invasive Algae
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