
Commissioner of Police Eddie Yome, on behalf of the RGP Charity Committee, and in the presence of His Excellency the Governor Lt Gen Edward Davis and the Hon Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, presented cheques totalling £13,520.00 to representatives of several charities at a reception held on Tuesday.

As the community is probably aware, November was Diabetes Awareness month. It is important that members of the public are aware of the risks of diabetes and how these can be avoided. It is also important that health professionals are updated about new developments in diabetes so that they can provide effective advice, care and management.

Following the successful launch of the Gibraltar Geoportal, the Department of the Environment and Climate Change, together with the Information Technology and Logistics Department, have recently finalised the upgrading of Gibraltar’s Geoportal.

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia this week discussed with Bulgarian MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk a number of issues relating to the potential withdrawal of the United Kingdom and Gibraltar from the European Union.

Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture is inviting local artists to participate in the annual Art Competition for Young Artists that will be held in March 2017. Closing date for receipt of entries is 6pm on Friday 17th February 2017.

The United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary, the Rt Hon Boris Johnson, signed the UK’s acceptance of the Paris Agreement, which relates to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, on 17th November 2016. While this does not extend the Agreement to the UK Overseas Territories, the UK Government is committed to consulting the Territories regarding extensions to include them.

The Minister with responsibility for Families and Children has restructured and revised the composition of the Child Protection Committee. This Committee was created under the Children Act 2009, with the purpose of bringing together key agencies, such as the Royal Gibraltar Police, Probation Services, Youth Services, Gibraltar Health Authority, the Department of Education, the Care Agency and others, to ensure that local safeguarding arrangements and child protection procedures are effective.

His Excellency the Governor Lt General Edward Davis and Mrs Lorraine Davis will be hosting a series of receptions in December and January with the aim of inviting a wider cross-section of society. Invitations will be sent to different local organisations that are constantly serving, assisting and supporting the Community in Gibraltar.

Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has released the text of all the references to Gibraltar in the evidence of The Rt Hon David Davis MP on Thursday before the House of Commons Select Committee on Exiting the European Union. The oral evidence session was on the subject of 'the UK's negotiating objectives for its withdrawal from the EU'.

Government’s Drug & Alcohol Awareness Services has launched a public information advert warning of the dangers of drink driving. This forms part of the Christmas drink & drugs awareness campaign that the Government and RGP are undertaking in partnership.

On Monday 19th December, the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority’s (“the GRA”) Broadcasting Division will be at the Piazza from 10am - 2pm to create awareness about the work undertaken in this Division and also, to continue with their Radio Audience Survey which focuses on the radio listening habits in Gibraltar.

Police Constable Janssen Olivero and Police Dog Ness of the RGP Dog Section were quality assured last week by Mr. Harry Morton, Head of Profession for Humberside and South Yorkshire Police Dog Training who has awarded them with a “Certificate of Excellence”.

The Chief Minister and Minister for Education today launched the Gibraltar College Language School. Starting next month, the Gibraltar College will offer classes in Spanish, French and Italian to pupils aged between 6 and 16 years of age.

As part of a series of ongoing security work streams currently being pursued under the auspices of the recently constituted Gibraltar Contingency Council, the Royal Gibraltar Police has today launched a new Cyber-Security Information Sharing Partnership (CISP) at the Sunborn Hotel.

The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, has invited Roy Clinton and Marlene Hassan Nahon to meetings in respect of the £300m investment in Gibraltar.

As the festive season comes into full swing, arrangements are well underway for the organisation of the Three King’s Cavalcade, organised by the Cavalcade Committee.

The Chief Minister is travelling to London this weekend to appear on several top television and radio political live shows.

The Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party celebrated yesterday its fortieth anniversary and five years in Government since it won the 2011 General Election with the Liberal Party of Gibraltar. The party is celebrating with a function on Friday 9th December for 500 members and guests at the Tercentenary Hall, as there was not another venue big enough for the numbers wanting to attend.

For the first time in its history, Gibraltar International Airport has recorded over 500,000 passengers in a year. Between January and end of November this year, 508,225 passengers have been processed.

Ministers from the Government of Gibraltar and the Government of the United Kingdom met Wednesday in London for the first formal engagement between the two under the structure of the new Joint Ministerial Council (Gibraltar EU Negotiations). This is the framework within which the United Kingdom and Gibraltar are developing plans for the negotiations for leaving the European Union following the result of the referendum of 23 June.

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