The Convent will once again host its Christmas Fair in the historical setting of the Convent to raise money for locally registered charities.
The Chief Minister and the Minister for Housing have toured the two new housing developments for elderly citizens, Sea Master Lodge and Charles Bruzon House, both of which are now ready for occupation.
Read more: Sea Master Lodge and Charles Bruzon House Are Ready For Occupation, Say Govt
The Gibraltar Financial Services Commission has announced a major investigation into Enterprise Insurance Company plc (Enterprise) and its board of directors. The GFSC has reason to believe that it may have been significantly and consistently misled about Enterprise’s true financial position.
Read more: GFSC to Launch Major Probe into Enterprise Insurance and its Directors
The Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) has announced that its latest recruits have successfully qualified as Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Operators following an extensive period of training in the UK.
Read more: Promotions and New Recruits at the Gibraltar Port Authority
Unite the Union wishes to update the community at large on the MOD job cuts issue.
Albert Isola, Minister with responsibility for Financial Services, is in Beijing this week for a series of meetings and presentations focusing on, but not limited to, insurance based opportunities in Gibraltar for Chinese companies.
Read more: Minister Isola Leads a New Business Development Visit to China
Members of Parliament today voted 15-0 in favour of same sex Marriage, in what was described as a ‘Landmark Day for Gibraltar and this Parliament’ by Chief Minister Fabian Picardo.
GSLA have coordinated a programme of sport and leisure activities to be delivered by Gibraltar’s Sports and Leisure Associations over the Mid Term break.
Govt have said it notes ill-informed media comment in Spain suggesting that Gibraltar has somehow been excluded from the meeting being held in London today between the First Ministers of each of the Devolved Parliaments of the home nations of the United Kingdom and the Prime Minister.
The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia arrived in London on Sunday night for a full day of meetings today Monday.
The Royal Gibraltar Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of 53yr old Filipino national Rosemary Payoyo Magno, who was last seen leaving the area of Admiral’s Place in the South District at about 11am on Sunday 16th October 2016.
Key staff at the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) held a series of Oil Spill related exercises during the course of this week, in conjunction with Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL).
Read more: Gibraltar Port Authority Holds Oil Spill Exercise Week
Gibraltar Finance is attending and sponsoring the Clearview Wealth Briefing to be held on 25th October 2016 at the Beau Rivage, Genève, Switzerland.
Read more: Gibraltar Finance Sponsoring The Clearview Wealth Briefing in Geneva
Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture have announced the purchase of some £2000 worth of new books for the John Mackintosh Hall Library.
Read more: Ministry of Culture Purchases Over 200 New Books for John Mackintosh Hall Library
The John Mackintosh Hall Library is pleased to announce the donation of over 400 books to the children’s section of the library. These books were kindly donated by Baby STEPPs, and are comprised of reading and educational books for children from 0-8 years old.
Read more: Over 400 Books Donated to John Mackintosh Hall Library
The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, in consultation with the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia, has carried out a ministerial reallocation of responsibilities.
The Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau will be issuing a limited edition commemorative First Day Cover set of stamps as part of the 2016 edition of the Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival. The stamps, a thousand in total, will be individually numbered and feature an old print of the Gibraltar Garrison Library and garden facing Town Range.
Read more: Philatelic Bureau Issues Commemorative First Day Cover Stamps for Literary Festival
Next week is Fostering and Adoption Awareness Week. The Social Services Department of the Care Agency have organised a series of informational events and workshops, which will take place throughout the week, in order to raise awareness of fostering and adoption in Gibraltar, and to provide information and support to anyone interested in taking the next steps in the fostering and adoption process.
Read more: ‘Shaping Families’: Fostering & Adoption Awareness Week – 17th to 21st October
Government have today announced that the Employment Tribunal reforms will be effective as from today. The new Employment Tribunal will operate through separate sets of rules regulating its constitution and procedure.
This month’s Gibraltar Gibunco International Literary Festival will incorporate the third edition of the increasingly popular Schools Festival, where eight of the speakers taking part will be delivering talks to school children over the duration of the four day programme.
Read more: Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival - ‘Schools Festival’ Section
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