The latest version of the Thinking Green Digest, produced by the Department of Heritage, Environment and Climate Change, is now available online at
The document presents an overview of work carried out during 2015 by the DECC in an accessible, non-technical format highlighting the Department's continuing work to ensure a greener and more sustainable Gibraltar. It covers air and water quality, waste management, habitat restoration and energy in addition to other useful information relating to our living environment.
Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Dr John Cortes, commented: "It's easy to forget the amount of work that is being done by the highly professional team at the Department of the Environment and Climate Change as they deliver the Government's ambitious environmental programme. The Thinking Green Digest will make interesting reading for all who care about the environment, Gibraltar, and its place in a sustainable world".
Further information is available from the Department on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A limited number of printed copies of the Digest are available from the Department at Duke of Kent House, Cathedral Square.