
Volunteers from the Gibraltar Tourist Board and the Gibraltar Sports and Leisure Authority, coordinated by staff Natalia Ruiz and Douglas Robles, recently held a fund-raising fun day at the Gibraltar Bathing Pavilion just before it closed for the season in aid of Rainbow Ward, the children’s ward at St Bernard’s Hospital.

In order to enable a greater number of local authors to be a part of the Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival, the organisers are this year introducing an innovative promotional outlet to the Festival programme.

Unite can confirm that it was summoned yesterday Monday 3rd October by the Ministry of Defence to attend a meeting at the Tower HM Naval Base and was issued with a consultation document whereby the Command intends to deliver a new operating model for British Forces Gibraltar.

Govt says it has noted the press statement from the Ministry of Defence on the new operating model which they are proposing to adopt.

A team comprising RGP officers, support staff and relatives who participated in a cycling marathon organised by the RGP Charity Committee outside Morrisons Supermarket on Saturday 1st October raised a total of £1990.00.

A number of Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service Officers have recently completed Incident Command courses at the Fire Service College (FSC) in Moreton-In-Marsh, Gloucestershire, UK.

The annual Mini-Olympiad for children, organised by the RGP as part of its wider drugs misuse awareness work within the community, and under the banner of “Live Life, Love Sport,” will be held on Saturday 8th Oct between 11:00 – 16:00 at the Victoria Stadium complex.

Members of the public are invited to watch a Ceremonial Guard Mount outside the Convent at midday on Saturday 1st October 2016.

A group of over twenty German nationals were guests at No6 Convent Place yesterday morning, where they were briefed by the Deputy Chief Minister, the Hon Dr Joseph Garcia.

The GHA’s Chemotherapy Day Unit at St Bernard’s Hospital was officially opened yesterday by the Chief Minister, and is now open for cancer patients needing Chemotherapy.

Both Inspector Mark Wyan and Inspector Paul Chipolina of the Royal Gibraltar Police have recently successfully completed very challenging Higher Education studies.

Royal Gibraltar Police and Gibraltar Ambulance Service personnel will be undergoing emergency driving instructor training jointly, during the course of the next 2 weeks.

President Harry Murphy and Secretary General Joe Schembri of The Commonwealth Games Association of Gibraltar will be travelling to Edmonton, Canada in early October to attend the General Assembly Of The Commonwealth Games Federation.

Fabian Picardo left Gibraltar on Sunday to attend the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.

Fire fighters Aaron Aguilera, Kaylan Gonzalez, and Paul Tinkler have successfully completed the firefighter development program at the fire service college, in Moreton-In-Marsh, Gloucestershire, UK.

Last Sunday saw the Royal Engineers deployed once again at the Queens Lines. This has been the third time this year that the descendants of the Royal Artificer Corps have carried out clearing up operations in the Northern Defences.

Government is reminding the public that all employment related forms are available for completion and submission online through the e-Gov portal (https://www.egov.gi). 

A youth group involved in a Life Skills project at the Youth Centre will host two separate fundraising events this week. The proceeds will go towards the Life Skills project which culminates in a cultural and educational trip abroad.

Young People from the Gibraltar Youth Service took an active role during the Clean up the World last weekend, with over 80 youngsters taking part.

Paula Byrne one of the participating authors at the forthcoming Gibraltar Gibunco International Literary Festival will be hosting a separate, free event on the management of stress and other mental health issues.

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