
With effect from Friday 19th August, the two night routes N8A and N8B will be merged into one single route (N8B) which will make for a longer route but a greater frequency of buses at any one stop.

Shortly after 4pm on Friday the 12th August, Borders and Coastguard agents carrying out routine security screening with Explosive Trace Detectors identified what appeared to be a prohibited item.

"Clubhouse Gibraltar would like to thank the Gibraltar Amateur Boxing Association for their kind donation of £900 from two events they have done."

Former prominent British politician and Liberal-Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown has confirmed his participation in this year’s edition of the Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival.

Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar have today published a Bill to amend the civil Marriage Act to allow for civil marriage between couples of the same sex.

The Government gave notice today that it intends to move a motion at the renewed sitting of the Parliament in the following terms:

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, have worked closely with GibMedia in order to provide a very entertaining programme for Summer Nights 2016.

His Excellency the Governor Lt Gen Edward Davis visited HM Customs on Tuesday. On arrival he was welcomed by the Collector of Customs John Rodriguez who gave him a briefing on the department.

A twenty eight year old local man was yesterday sentenced to imprisonment following his conviction earlier this year for a number of serious sexual offences. The offences date to the years 2009 and 2012 and involve two separate victims.

As part of the Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan, the Government have announced the deployment of New Parking Management Officers (PMOs). Gibraltar Car Parks Limited has entered into a contractual Agreement with Gibraltar Parking Management Services Limited for the provision of the enforcement of the Traffic (Parking & Waiting) Regulations.

The contract to install and supply the Port Authority’s new Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) system has recently been awarded to the Norwegian company Kongsberg Norcontrol (KNC), a world leader in VTS surveillance.

Hockey Skills and Drill was a real hit with young people taking part on the Summer Sports & Leisure Programme sponsored by NatWest.

Paul Foot, Simon Evans, Nathan Caton, Dana Alexander and more confirmed to perform on the Comedy Stage at Gibraltar Music Festival.

Mrs Lorraine Davis and Cdr Eddie Davies, President and Chairman of the British Red Cross in Gibraltar respectively, are pictured receiving a cheque for £2,500 from Peter Caetano, Chief Executive Officer of Lombard Odier & Cie (Gibraltar) Limited, in support of the charity’s continuous work within the local community.

It is not often you find a new species on the Rock, especially a mammal. Yet that is exactly what happened last Friday, 5th of August, 2016.

The Gibraltar Port Authority is delighted to welcome a new pilot to its ranks. Captain Pete Hilbert has recently successfully completed his four month long period of familiarisation, probation and assessment. He brings the Gibraltar Pilots’ Partnership a wealth of experience having served and been master of passenger ferries and other commercial vessels.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, is inviting entries for the 43rd Gibraltar International Art Competition. Entries will be exhibited at the Gustavo Bacarisas Galleries from the 9th November to 18th November 2016.

The Department for the Environment is pleased to announce that works to remove algae from Western Beach will conclude today (Friday) and the beach will be open to the public from tomorrow morning in time for the weekend.

Leading Firefighter Christian Desoiza and Firefighter Shane Brown have recently been promoted within the Operations Department of the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service (GFRS).

The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, met with the new Minister for Europe, Sir Alan Duncan, at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in London on Wednesday.

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