The Trustees of the Calpe House Charitable Trust would like to thank the Gibraltar Youth Service young people and staff for their fundraising efforts towards the appeal.
The Government and the SDGG have jointly hosted the annual National Day reception for local sporting and cultural associations.
The Care Agency’s Waterport Terraces Day Centre for the Elderly yesterday held a certificate presentation for their New Friends Project.
Read more: New Friends at the Care Agency Waterport Terraces Day Centre for the Elderly
The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, has written to the Speaker of the Parliament giving notice of a Motion which he intends to move as a Government Motion at the resumed meeting of the Parliament, which reads as follows:
Two Divers from the Department of the Environment and Climate Change have recently qualified as Scientific Divers.
A group of eleven students from Bayside and Westside were briefed by the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia this afternoon before they visit the European Union institutions in Brussels later this week.
Read more: Students Meet DCM Before Setting Off For Brussels
It’s been another fun packed summer for the Gibraltar Youth Service. Members from all four clubs have been involved in a number of activities over the months of June, July and August.
The Airport Fire & Rescue Service is currently carrying out Emergency Response Driver Training for its new drivers.
"Negotiations for both developments are now in an advanced state and the Government continues to push to get the best possible deal for the taxpayer."
Read more: Affordable Housing Schemes Are Moving Ahead Says Govt
Over four hundred students received their GCSE results last Thursday. The results show an overall pass rate A*-C of 70%: a 4% increase on last year and the highest pass rate achieved in the last five years.
Read more: GCSE Results - The Highest Pass Rate in The Last 5 Years
In a recent private letter to the Chief Minister, Theresa May has pledged her new administration’s full support to Gibraltar.
HM Customs, together with the RGP, Spanish Guardia Civil, Polish Border Guard, Italian Guardia di Finanza and the UK National Crime Agency have assisted in the arrest of an international drug smuggling gang.
Read more: HM Customs In Major Joint International Anti-Drug Operation
In light of recent events involving the inappropriate disposal of smoking items that have caused harm to individuals and damage to personal property, the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service is reminding the public of its duty of care towards others and their surroundings.
As announced at last August’s commemoration of the birth of Sir Joshua Hassan, the Government is soon to issue a new polymer £100 banknote featuring an image of Sir Joshua.
Along with two members of staff from Gibraltar House in London, the reigning Miss Gibraltar, Kayley Mifsud, has parachuted from 15,000 feet in order to raise funds for the Calpe House Appeal.
The photographic competitive exhibition, ‘Our Gibraltar,’ organised by the Gibraltar Photographic Society in collaboration with the Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture is currently being held at the John Mackintosh Hall.
The Government and Shell have signed an agreement for the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for use in power generation in Gibraltar.
Read more: Government And Shell Sign Agreement For LNG Supply and Terminal
A total of 9 male persons (Aged between 21-35yrs) all of whom are believed to be Moroccan nationals, have been arrested by RGP officers throughout the course of today across various sections of Gibraltar’s east side and former Water Catchments area.
Read more: Nine Men Arrested for Immigration Offences Following Extensive Search Operation
Students received their A-Level results today at Bayside, Westside and the Gibraltar College. As usual, results were issued as from 8 am to give students every opportunity of securing their University place.
The GHA is making available additional opportunities to be immunised against Meningitis W and Measles, for all young people, particularly those going to university this year.
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