
The Calpe 2016 Conference will be held at the University of Gibraltar from the 29th September to the 1st October 2016. The programme offers scope for a varied audience, ranging in subject matter from Pleistocene humans to life in Gibraltar in the 19th Century.

The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia arrived in Malta late on Wednesday evening for a series of high-level political contacts, which included a meeting with the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.

The new Foreign Secretary, RT Hon Boris Johnson MP, has replied to a letter sent on the 8th July by The Rt Hon the Lord Luce and other former Governors of Gibraltar.

The ‘seaweed’ that has been turning up in Gibraltar waters over the past two years is a brown alga, commonly known as Forkweed (Dictyota dichotoma), which has increased tremendously in its distribution throughout the Bay.

Missing 40 year old Wayne Tapper has been found.

49yr old Ukranian national Oleksondr OSTAPENKO, a visitor to Gibraltar, has today been charged with one count of Outraging Public Decency. This is in addition to an earlier charge of disorderly conduct whilst intoxicated in connection with the same incident.

Following the results of the United Kingdom’s Referendum held last month, the Ministry of Business and Employment has established a BREXIT Working Group in order to consider the possible implications for Gibraltar businesses, arising from the United Kingdom’s potential withdrawal from the European Union.

The Gibraltar Stock Exchange welcomes BitcoinETI, an asset-backed Exchange Traded Instrument that is invested exclusively in bitcoin, making it the first European regulated product for the leading digital currency.

The Royal Gibraltar Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of 40yr old British national Wayne Anthony TAPPER, who was last seen by a relative on Sunday 17th July 2016.

In connection with a video clip currently being shared across social media, depicting a male person that can be seen shouting and interfering with motor vehicles in the area of Governor’s Street, the RGP have released a statement where it "wishes to reassure the public and clarify the facts relating to the incident in question."

The Stay and Play Programme for children with special educational needs which runs as part of the Summer Sports and Leisure Programme started on Thursday 14th July attracting record numbers of children and young people.

The Secular Humanist Society of Gibraltar (S.H.S.G.) considers the Religious Education policy at Schools to be "illegal & unconstitutional" and are calling for Ministerial action.

The Government yesterday received information directly from the Ministry of Defence in Gibraltar, via the Commander of British Forces, Mike Waliker, about the incident involving HMS Ambush in international waters off Gibraltar.

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia this morning went on a site visit to Gorham’s Cave, the first such visit since it became a World Heritage Site. Dr Garcia was shown round by Professor Clive Finlayson, Dr Gerry Finlayson and Mr Marcello Sanguinetti.

The Government has started a detailed assessment of every area of Government business in order to determine the impact of not having access to membership of the European Union and in order to properly assess the consequences of an exit.

Did you know that Gibraltar boasts the only known street that has an example of a letter box from each British Monarch since they were first introduced in 1852 during the Reign of Queen Victoria?

Fantastic Programme of Activities for the older age range of the Summer Sports & Leisure Programme.

The Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) has been appointed as the Resolution Authority pursuant to the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD), and in accordance with the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) 2011 recommendations, and is delighted to announce the appointment of Séamus Hayes as the Commission’s new Resolution Specialist.

The Government is pleased to announce that it has now finalised its substantive and wide-ranging reforms of the Industrial Tribunal. The review leads to amendments to the Employment Act and the introduction of new and various subsidiary legislation. 

The Commissioner of Police, Eddie Yome, has been asked to remain in post beyond his normal retirement date of April 2017 and has dutifully accepted.

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