This year, Sunday 13th November will be observed as Remembrance Sunday. As last year, the Ceremony of Remembrance will be held at the British War Memorial on Line Wall Road, opposite City Hall, at noon.
The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has said that a “managed” and “sensible” Brexit discussion is in the best interests of both Spain and Gibraltar. Dr Garcia was addressing students from the College of Further Education, Bayside and Westside Schools following a presentation delivered by a group who had returned from a visit to the EU institutions in Brussels.
Read more: A “sensible” Brexit Is In Spain’s Interests As Well Says Deputy Chief Minister
The Gibraltar International Art Exhibition, organised by Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, is being held at the Gustavo Bacarisas Gallery. Artists from Gibraltar, England and Spain submitted a total of one hundred and forty-one works.
As part of this year’s Gibraltar International Jazz Festival 2016 week long events, The Ministry of Culture is pleased to announce that on the 24th November at the Central Hall we will be organising a ‘One Night Only......The Jazz Club’, a night hosted by local Jazz musicians featuring The Soulmates, Paul Riley New Orleans Jazz Band, Surianne, Kind Of Blue (Feat Angela Jenkins & Ed Mayo) plus many more local musicians.
Read more: Gib International Jazz Festival 2016 – ‘One Night Only......The Jazz Club’
Gibraltar Youth Service was busy in action hosting interclub and community events during the half term week. The week started with the popular Halloween Party held at the Laguna Youth Club with over 150 people attending.
Detectives investigating an assault on a local woman between 0150hrs and 0200hrs on Saturday 5th November 2016 in the area of Line Wall Road, are appealing for witnesses to this incident.
For the past six weeks the St Paul’s Nursery and School have been learning about different topics for the school's Humanities Day. Each year group has had their own individual subject.
The Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, have announced that the traditional Fair attractions will once again be in Gibraltar throughout the Christmas Festive Season.
Unite the Union Gibraltar's Executive has taken stock of the current post EU Referendum scenario and is concerned in respects to the skills gap that exists among the manual trades in Gibraltar.
Read more: Unite - Gib Could See Itself Short of Tradespeople
The Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (“the GRA”) will today introduce new complaints procedures and an accompanying on-line complaint’s form that will allow complainants to submit the necessary information required for the purpose of investigating breaches of Codes of Practice in television and radio broadcasts.
Officers investigating a serious assault on a local woman reported to have occurred at about 0400hrs on Sunday 30th October 2016 at Casemates Square, are appealing for witnesses to this incident.
The Ministry of Culture have announced that the refurbishment of the John Mackintosh Hall Theatre, carried out by Gibraltar Cultural Services, is now complete. The theatre now offers 408 brand new theatre seats, new flooring throughout the auditorium and upper dress circle, and new light and sound equipment.
Read more: John Mackintosh Hall Theatre Refurbishment Complete
The Gibraltar Cultural Services, for the Ministry of Culture, is pleased to announce that the Gibraltar International Drama Festival will take place at the Ince’s Hall Theatre between Monday 20th and Saturday 25th March 2017.
This year’s Gibraltar Day in London saw a radical change from similar events of recent years.
"Ladies & Gentlemen
Welcome to our 17th Gibraltar Financial Services event in London.
This is the first Gibraltar Day since the result of the EU Referendum.
Read more: Chief Minister’s Address at the Gibraltar Day in London Financial Services Lunch 2016
The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, left Gibraltar for London on Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday he attended the traditional Gibraltar Day mass at Our Lady of Dolours Servite church in Fulham after which he hosted a small reception at Fulham Palace.
A Unite the Union delegation will be heading to London today to attend a high level meeting at Whitehall with the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Mr Robin Walker MP.
In connection with the forthcoming Halloween festivities, the RGP has during the past few weeks been conducting its traditional awareness campaign, to address potential issues of Anti-Social Behaviour.
A graduation ceremony for the presentation of Masters Degrees in Leadership & Management in Health, took place on Friday. The event was hosted by the School of Health Studies, Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) on behalf of Kingston University London.
Read more: Graduation Ceremony - GHA's School of Health Studies and Kingston University
The seasonal flu vaccine will be available from Monday 31st October 2016, at the Primary Care Centre (Blood Clinic).
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