The University of Gibraltar and The Friends of Gibraltar Heritage Society are pleased to announce that Rebecca Gabay has been awarded the scheme’s inaugural bursary of £1000.

Ms Janet Whiteley, Director of ‘The Friends’ said she is delighted to present the Award to Rebecca Gabay, a very worthy recipient.

The bursary scheme was launched in June 2016, and was made available through open competition to any postgraduate student of the University who is undertaking history (including natural history) and heritage-related study and research. A total of three applications were submitted for the bursary, all which underwent an exhaustive selection process by the University’s Research and Research Degrees Committee, who made the final recommendation.

Ms Gabay’s study is focused on the literature of Gibraltar. She is documenting all of the fictional texts that have been written by Gibraltarians, and exploring them in relation to Gibraltar and its people.

Ms Gabay plans to use the bursary money to attend relevant academic conferences which will further her research, and enhance her understanding of Gibraltar’s literary heritage.

The bursary scheme will open again this semester and all postgraduate students at the University are invited to apply.

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