Ten years after the world’s first Earth Hour put climate change in the spotlight, WWF’s landmark movement is set to once again unite millions of people from around the planet to shine a light on climate action.
As the earth continues to break climate records, the need for greater ambition and commitment must increase also. Earth Hour as the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment is mobilising individuals, communities and organisations to do their part to help change climate change. As skylines darken, people are invited to take a stand for climate action.
The Department of the Environment, Heritage and Climate Changes invites everyone to support the campaign by setting aside an hour to host events, switch off your lights and generally raise awareness of climate change.
Post a photo of how you are celebrating on the night, on the Thinking Green – Gibraltar Facebook page for a chance to win a night’s stay at the Rock Hotel, including breakfast and dinner. Numerous restaurants are kindly supporting the campaign by hosting a candle-lit dinner.
As in previous years, the North Face of the Rock and the Moorish Castle will not be lit to coincide with Earth Hour.
The Department, as part of its energy efficiency campaign and Earth Hour celebrations, is also hosting a free light bulb swap on Thursday the 23rd of March at the Piazza from 10am to 2pm to encourage the use of energy efficient lighting. Swap your old inefficient light bulb for an energy-saving LED one. Availability is on a first come first served basis and swap is limited to one per household.
The Department is also planting two almond trees in the recently refurbished Wellington Front to support the Earth Hour initiative.
For more information on the initiative and ideas on how to take part visit: www.earthhour.org