Government, in partnership with the Gibraltar Taxi Association (GTA) have announced the publication of an updated Gibraltar Taxi Service Customer Charter.
As part of the joint initiative, the Customer Charter aims to improve the information available for Taxi customers throughout all Taxi ranks. The Charter contains useful information on Taxi Customer and Driver rights and responsibilities amongst general information on the Taxi service. The Government says it believes that this is a step in the right direction but recognises that there are other challenges to overcome in this area.
The Minister with responsibility for Public Transport, the Hon Paul Balban, said: “I am extremely pleased to see a revised version of the Gibraltar Taxi Service Customer Charter published. This shows the continued efforts of HMGoG and the Gibraltar Taxi Association to enhance the service. The Charter lays out the responsibilities of a taxi driver with regards to conduct and practice. It also sets out the rights of a driver, the rights of the customer and what they should each expect of each other. It also provides the user with the correct procedure if a complaint needs to be made.”