The Gibraltar Youth Service was very busy over the weekend with a variety of activities taking place in the community.
The staff and members from Dolphins Youth Club supported the Rotary Club’s Junior Dog Show at the Piazza. An information stall promoting upcoming events at the youth clubs in our community was set up at the event, together with a tombola lucky dip, with proceeds donated to Clubhouse Gibraltar.
Members from Laguna Youth club once again supported Clubhouse’s fun day at Casemates. All involved took part in a “Bake Off”, a cake stall and face painting activities. Members and staff also took part in the Yellow Day Walk along Main Street raising awareness of Mental Health issues in our community.
The Gibraltar Youth Production Team (GYPT) also had a productive weekend directing, casting, acting and filming scenarios which portrayed issues young people today may present themselves with at the youth clubs. These scenes will shortly be edited and used in future training events which will be delivered to youth worker trainees and volunteers in their professional development.
For further information on becoming a youth club member, or for any general information about the Gibraltar Youth Service, please contact Mark Zammit, Principal Youth Officer on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 20078637.