
The World Heritage Advisory Forum, formerly the World Heritage Bid Steering Committee, held its second meeting last Thursday at the Gibraltar Museum. The meeting was chaired by Dr John Cortes, the minister with responsibility for heritage; this was his first meeting after taking on heritage matters at the end of 2016.

The Gibraltar Health Authority denies a media report that a local 93-year-old woman had to wait four and a half hours to see a doctor at the A&E Department in St Bernard’s Hospital. Although the article does not give precise details of the case, the GHA is confident that it has identified the patient concerned.

Clean Bandit, Craig David and Steve Aoki have been confirmed for the Main Stage across the weekend, and Bananarama, Midge Ure and Village People will perform on the Classic Stage.

Government have announced that the Department of Education has today published the Code of Conduct for Teachers. The Code aims to set out what is expected of teachers in their professional role and is designed to give guidance to teachers in their professional judgment and practice.

Elderly Homes at Sea Master Lodge, Mons Calpe Mews were allocated by public ballot last week.

On Thursday the 23rd February the Minister for Education, Heritage, Environment, Energy and Climate Change the Hon. Dr. John Cortes MP chaired the first meeting under his stewardship of the reconstituted Heritage Action Committee (HAC).

A Spanish national has been arrested by HM Customs at the Gibraltar International Airport as a result of a detection by Borders & Coastguard officers conducting routine security checks on outbound passengers at the Central Search Facilities.

Minister Joe Bossano MP, accompanied by Albert Poggio, is currently attending the 11th Annual Conference of Assembly of Parliaments of the Mediterranean in the city of Porto, in Northern Portugal.

Whilst conducting an operation on the Eastern side to curtail illicit tobacco activity, Customs Officers intercepted a local vehicle loaded with 300 cartons. A search of a garage in the vicinity was also conducted and a further 1500 cartons were seized.

The Gibraltar Careers Fair will be held on Tuesday 28th February 2017 at the Gibraltar Cruise Terminal. The event, which has been organised by Westside School , Bayside School and the Gibraltar College, will run from 5pm to 8pm.

At the end of last month, the Minister for Justice, the Hon Neil Costa, published a Bill for a new Crimes (Amendment) Act 2017. This introduces a new offence of “Revenge Porn.”

Mrs Lorraine Davis, President of the Gibraltar Red Cross, presented a cheque for £5,000 to Mrs Olga Zammit, a Trustee for the Calpe House Appeal.

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia is in London for a number of meetings related to the proposed departure of the United Kingdom and Gibraltar from the European Union.

The Gibraltar Drama Festival 2017 Programme of Events:

This week, over 30 professionals from the Department of Education, the Gibraltar Health Authority, the Royal Gibraltar Police and the Care Agency will participate in the second phase of the ‘Signs of Safety’ training to enhance child protection systems in Gibraltar.

Today the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (“GRA”), as the Data Protection Commissioner, published its first guidance note on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which will come into force in Gibraltar on the 25th May 2018.

"The Ministry of Defence has once again targeted the Locally Entered Civilian workforce by disestablishing the post of the peoples’ representative (Trade Union Convenor) in such difficult times." says a statement issued by a Unite the Union spokesperson this morning.

Today has seen the launch of the Bus Tracker Web App for Route 8. This route services the Eastern side which has recently become more popular with tenants of the new Beach View Terrace Estate.

Govt have today announced that the Drugs (Misuse) Regulations 2005 have been amended to allow for the cannabis-based medicine “Sativex” to be approved for use in healthcare. MS patients will now have a medicine which can treat and alleviate their symptoms whilst clinicians will be reassured when prescribing this drug.

The Ministry of Equality have announced further training sessions which will be offered as part of its ‘Equality Means Business’ series of awareness seminars designed to promote awareness and inclusion of individuals with disabilities in our community.

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