
Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, has once again come together with the Parasol Foundation and the John Mackintosh Hall Educational Trust to bring a leading UK organisation, the Young Shakespeare Company, to Gibraltar, as part of its cultural development and educational programme.

St Anne’s School will take part in its annual ‘Health and Fitness Charity Challenge’ on Thursday 27th April 2017. At 2pm, pupils, staff, auxiliary staff, parents and friends of the school will be power-walking or jogging around the athletics track at Bayside Sports Complex for forty-five minutes.

World Heritage is the shared wealth of humankind and protecting and preserving these amazing places demands the collective efforts of all of us. April 18th is an 'official' international celebration day first proposed by ICOMOS, the International Council for Monuments and Sites and then approved by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (the part of the UN that manages World Heritage) – in 1983.

The results of a wide-ranging international research project on disease in free-ranging and captive macaques has just been published in the Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases. It is a collaborative work between a number of scientists and includes Dr John Cortes, Gibraltar’s Minister for the Environment, as one of its authors.

The next in the Gibraltar Museum lecture series will be a presentation by Dr Geraldine Finlayson on the subject of “Excavating a World Heritage Site”.

The Lifesaving Sports Association has raised £8265.00 in order to purchase a handheld Abbott i-Stat blood analyser, downloader and printer, which was donated yesterday to the Rainbow Ward at St Bernard’s.

The Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) has appointed Tony Woodcock and John Fordham of Stephenson Harwood LLP as independent inspectors under Section 8 of the Financial Services (Information Gathering and Co-operation) Act 2013 to investigate the insolvency of Enterprise and the conduct of its directors and auditors.

The Easter holidays have been a fun and busy time for the Gibraltar Youth Service. As well as Laguna’s Spring Fun Day, Dolphin’s Youth Club hosted an Open Day on Wednesday 12th April.

Government have today announced an agreement which has been reached with the Gibraltar Football Association (“GFA”) on the construction of a UEFA Category 4 National Football Stadium in Gibraltar.

UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, has just announced her intention to call a snap General Election to be held on 8th June.

Tinie Tempah is an English rapper, singer and song-writer, who shot to world prominence in 2010 when his debut single ‘Pass Out’ hit #1. He is the latest artist to be announced for the upcoming MTV Presents Gibraltar Calling Music Festival to be held at Victoria Stadium over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd September 2017.

As part of its continued efforts to manage the population of Common Octopus in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters, the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Climate Change (DEHCC) have announced it will be implementing a temporary Octopus fishing ban from the 15th April to the 15th May 2017, both dates inclusive.

Caring for Our Community came alive on Saturday 8th April with over 60 food hampers being distributed to the homes of the vulnerable and elderly around Gibraltar. This annual event is a joint venture with the young people from Gibraltar Youth Service, RGP and Care Agency.

The Government has today announced a number of events that will take place in order to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1967 referendum. This was the first time that the people of Gibraltar were given the choice to remain British or to come under Spanish sovereignty.

  • Two Charge Nurses deployed to A & E
  • A&E to be streamlined to focus on accidents, emergencies and acutely unwell patients
  • More than 500 GP appointments saved each month by new repeat prescription service

Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, held a meeting with representatives of the Gibraltar and Spanish trade unions on Friday. The Unions who attended were Unite, UGT and Comisiones Obreras with the Spanish Unions represented by their top leadership in Andalusia.

Government have announced the launch of the Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan (STTPP). Govt says the publication of the Plan is a key manifesto commitment, which has involved a multi departmental team within the Ministries for Infrastructure & Planning and the Environment.

The Royal Gibraltar Police is concerned for the wellbeing of 61- year-old British national Anthony Joseph Baldorino.

The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, has today spoken at length with the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons, Jeremy Corbyn.

Clubhouse Gibraltar programme of Events on Mental Health Week, 8th - 14th May 2017.

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