
The bank holiday weekend proved to be a busy one for the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) launch, GENERAL ELLIOT II. In addition to her routine tasking of cruise liner escort, patrolling of BGTW and embarkation and disembarkation of GPA and GMA personnel onboard vessels anchored in the bay, the launch was involved in a number of other tasks.

Government have announced further disability awareness training opportunities that form part of the Ministry of Equality’s ‘Equality Means Business’ series of awareness seminars. Paul Hawkins, from the UK charity Attitude is Everything, has once again been invited to deliver bespoke training to both the public and the private sector.

A Fun Day in aid of Calpe House is being held on Saturday 6th May 2017, at Casemates Square as from 10 a.m. There will be a wide range of activities available and some will be geared towards the younger members of the community.

Gibraltar's Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo has reacted to Spain's Brexit document that targets changes to Gibraltar's economic model. “The Spanish Government's mask is slipping. It is becoming abundantly clear that they want to try to use Brexit to take narrow advantage. Gibraltar will, as ever, continue to seek dialogue over Spanish vetoes and will seek co-operation and friendship over Spanish aggression and belligerence."

The Gibraltar Mental Welfare Society will be holding a book launch on 8th May, at 3.30pm at John Mackintosh Hall. The poems and writings in the book are the result of work produced by students from the Gibraltar College, when they were invited to write on issues pertaining to mental health.

Darts superstar Peter Wright will be joined by four former World Champions in the field for the 2017 Gibraltar Darts Trophy, which will be held from 12th - 14th May at the Victoria Stadium. The £135,000 tournament, which forms part of the PDC European Tour, returns for a fifth successive year as a 48-player field competes across two days on stage.

The Shadow Foreign Secretary of the UK Labour Party Emily Thornberry MP arrived in Gibraltar last Wednesday on a fact-finding visit. This came about as a result of the invitation of the Government which was extended after meetings in London.

In the last few weeks the Chief Minister and the Deputy Chief Minister have given an unprecedented number of interviews, not only to the UK media but also to the international press. Clause 22 of the EU’s draft negotiating guidelines, the incursion by a Spanish warship, the amended Schengen regulations, a possible air incursion – and even our new Mayor – have all kept Gibraltar high up in the news agenda.

The final version of the European Council negotiating guidelines have been confirmed in Brussels today.

The Ministry for Infrastructure and Planning have announced the completion of the real-time bus tracking service that covers all the working routes offered by the Gibraltar Bus Company.

Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, addressed the Propeller Club of Algeciras at a private lunch on Tuesday. He was a special guest and spoke on the latest developments regarding Brexit and its implications for Gibraltar and the Campo Area.

Government have announced that the Borders and Coastguard Agency will be taking over the issuance of Visa Waivers and administration of applications for Entry Visas to Gibraltar. The move will see the process of the aforementioned documents facilitated due to the Agency’s Officers being present on duty at all of Gibraltar’s points of entry.

In an operation conducted on Tuesday, Officers of the Flexible Anti Smuggling Team arrested a local, 29 year old male for the importation of approximately 9.1 grams of cocaine.

In January 2016, Government published for consultation a document titled, ‘Virtual Currency: Outline Regulatory Framework’ the second such paper on this subject produced by the Cryptocurrency Working Group. After considering the feedback received from private sector firms and many other interested parties, further detailed work continued on this project including engaging with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC).

The Ministry for Infrastructure and Planning have announced the introduction of the new Pay & Display machines as from Tuesday 25th April 2017, in keeping with the recommendations of the Sustainable Traffic, Transport and Parking Plan, and in line with constantly evolving technology.

A new residential facility for persons with Alzheimer’s and Dementia was officially inaugurated on Monday by the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Minister for Health, Care and Justice, Neil F. Costa. ‘Hillsides’ is located at the site of the old Royal Naval Hospital and close to the Bella Vista Dementia Day Centre, another vital elderly care facility and milestone in the provision of elderly care services, which opened in January 2017.

The Gibraltar Youth Service will deliver an Introduction to Youth Work Training Course for new volunteers (21 years and over) at the Youth Centre, Montagu Bastion, Line Wall Road on Saturday 21st May 2017.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, has once again come together with the Parasol Foundation and the John Mackintosh Hall Educational Trust to bring a leading UK organisation, the Young Shakespeare Company, to Gibraltar, as part of its cultural development and educational programme.

St Anne’s School will take part in its annual ‘Health and Fitness Charity Challenge’ on Thursday 27th April 2017. At 2pm, pupils, staff, auxiliary staff, parents and friends of the school will be power-walking or jogging around the athletics track at Bayside Sports Complex for forty-five minutes.

World Heritage is the shared wealth of humankind and protecting and preserving these amazing places demands the collective efforts of all of us. April 18th is an 'official' international celebration day first proposed by ICOMOS, the International Council for Monuments and Sites and then approved by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (the part of the UN that manages World Heritage) – in 1983.

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