In April this year, St Anne’s School took part in its annual ‘Health and Fitness Charity Challenge,’ organised by the PE Department. Through its ‘Health and Fitness’ scheme of work, the pupils had been learning about the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.
Read more: St Anne’s ‘Fitness and Health Charity Challenge’ Raises Over £2100
A 35 year old locally resident German national was arrested late yesterday afternoon by RGP officers for the offence of Outraging Public Decency and on Suspicion of Being in Possession of Indecent Photographs of Children.
Unite the Union Gibraltar Branch have said they are pleased to hear of Interserve being awarded a contract extension to continue providing infrastructure support at four international bases, including Gibraltar.
Government have announced that a further series of seminars and workshops on accessibility training were provided by the Ministry of Equality last week. These seminars were delivered by Ian Streets from About Access UK and continue to form part of the Equality Means Business series of seminars. It is also a continuation to the training that has been provided for Government staff which has been ongoing for the past three years.
Read more: Access Awareness Training for Government Officials
The Chief Minister spoke over the phone on Bank Holiday Monday 19th June with UK Foreign Office Ministers Robin Walker and Sir Alan Duncan. Monday marked the first day of the Brexit negotiations, during which the terms of reference for the Article 50 negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union were agreed and published.
Read more: Chief Minister in Talks with UK Foreign Office as Brexit Negotiations Begin
The School of Health Studies, working in partnership with the University of Salford, will be running a three-year part time MSc in Leadership and Management for Healthcare Practice. This Master’s level programme will be run in Gibraltar, commencing September 2017, with staff from across the Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) enrolling on the programme.
Read more: MSc in Leadership and Management for Healthcare Practice
The Gibraltar Regulatory Authority, as the Data Protection Commissioner undertook a survey on the use of Social Networking Sites and privacy amongst students from local schools for the fourth consecutive year. The key findings of the survey can be summarised as follows:
Government wishes to reassure the public of the safety of its dwellings and particularly the newly refurbished buildings, including the high rise blocks in Glacis Estate.
Read more: Government Reassures Public on Fire Safety in Government Estates
This year’s Summer Sports and Leisure programme organised by the Gibraltar Sports & Leisure Authority (GSLA) and sponsored by longstanding partner NatWest will be launched on Wednesday 21st June 9.30am at the NatWest boardroom, Line Wall Road.
Read more: Launch of the Summer Sports and Leisure Programme 2017
Ann Widdecombe is one of the first participants to be confirmed for this year’s Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival and will be a part the excellent line up expected for this year’s event.
Read more: The 5th Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival
The open season for recreational fishing of Bluefin tuna in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters commences on Friday 16th June 2017 and ends on the 14th October 2017. Anglers are reminded that a Class K licence is required to fish for Bluefin tuna in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters. Licence application forms are available online from the DECC’s website–-permits . There will be a total allowable catch of 13 tonnes after which the season will close.
Following an 18 month review held in conjunction with the Gibraltar Sports Advisory Council (GSAC) the Minister for Sport, Steven Linares has announced changes in the registration criteria for voluntary sports associations, commercial fitness groups and leisure providers.
The Ministry for Equality together with the Israel Chamber of Commerce hosted a multi-faith ladies' networking night. The aim of the evening was a networking event for professional women of all religions in Gibraltar to come together and celebrate the success women’s achievements throughout history and how to overcome obstacles faced as women.
Government have said it notes the judgement delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the action brought by the Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association against the UK's point of consumption tax on online gaming services. HMGoG intervened in that case to support the GBGA.
Read more: Govt Statement on Court of Justice of the EU Judgement
The relaunch of the Gibraltar Health Authority website has taken place today. The new website has been re-designed and developed completely in-house and provides information on all aspects of the healthcare services available to visitors, patients and health professionals in Gibraltar. The revamped website also contains general contact information, guides, forms, information leaflets and other up to date health-related news that patients, visitors and service users will find both useful and informative.
Government have released a statement where it roundly condemns the individuals who are responsible for the incident at sea in which a Royal Gibraltar Police vessel was shot at by the occupants of a RHIB.
The CM's address, which was delivered yesterday Monday 12th June, was dedicated to the Hon Juan Carlos Perez 1955 – 2017
At about 02:50 CET on Tuesday 13th June 2017, an RGP Interceptor vessel, jointly crewed with the GDP, on patrol in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters engaged in a high speed pursuit of a suspect rigid hulled inflatable boat in collaboration with local and Spanish Law Enforcement Agencies.
The Port Authority would like to remind the general public and especially recreational users that there is a speed limit of 5 knots for all vessels in the inner harbour. Any vessel which exceeds this may be liable to prosecution under the Port Act. More generally, particular care should also be taken by speed boat and jet ski users when navigating in the vicinity of other vessels or swimmers in the busy waters off the coastline.
The University will be holding a Professional Development Open Day on Tuesday 20th June from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Tomorrow, members of the University team are holding an awareness stand as from 11.30 to 2.30pm at the Piazza distributing flyers and fielding enquiries on the scheduled events of the day. The aim of the Open Day is to provide an overview of courses that will be available for the next academic year 17/18. This will also serve as a fact-finding exercise ascertaining potential students interests with regard to qualifications and training opportunities.
Read more: University Hosts Professional Development Open Day
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