Startup Grind are a global start-up community designed to educate, inspire, and connect entrepreneurs. Founded in Silicon Valley, Startup Grind now spans over 200 cities across the world. Startup Grind Europe is the European leg in a series of global conferences. Held this year at the Central Hall Westminster, London on 14th June it will attract an audience of 1,500 visitors -
Read more: Gibraltar Finance and Startup Grind Gibraltar to co-host Directors Retreat
The Primary Care Centre will be holding a cervical screening awareness week from Monday 12th June to Friday 16th June to highlight the importance of regular cervical screening for women.
The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia have left for New York this weekend.
Read more: Chief Minister to Address United Nations C24 on Monday
Following the forensic preview of items of IT equipment seized by RGP officers during the execution of a search warrant at a local residential address on Friday 26th May, a 51yr old local man has been arrested on suspicion of being in possession of indecent photographs of children.
Eleven months ago the Gorham's Cave Complex was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and Gibraltar joined the global community of special heritage sites. In becoming the UK's 30th World Heritage Site Gibraltar joined a select family of UK and Overseas Territories properties, supported by World Heritage UK, the forum for all UK world heritage sites. Today Gibraltar welcomes the appointment of Chris Blandford as World Heritage UK’s first president and looks forward to continuing to contribute to the forum.
The first official event to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum will be an exhibition which will be staged at the John Mackintosh Hall as from next week.
The Gibraltar Health Authority has approved an amendment to its In Vitro Fertilisation Policy to include female same-sex couples in accordance with the same conditions that apply to heterosexual couples. The decision was taken by the GHA board at its last meeting.
Read more: GHA Amends IVF Service to Include Female Same-Sex Couples
Local Modelling Agency No1 Models organised a charity fashion show 'Fighting Leukemia With Fashion 2017', which was held at the Alameda Open Air Theatre last Friday.
Read more: Fighting Leukemia With Fashion by No1 Models Gibraltar
Twenty travel agents, tour operators and journalists from Morocco visited Gibraltar on a one day familiarisation visit on Saturday 20th May. The visit was organised by Travelhub, a fully licenced travel agency based in Gibraltar, a branch of Moroccan tour operator Setitours.
HM Government of Gibraltar signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cross Frontier Group for Gibraltar and the Campo Area. The common aim of the Memorandum is to facilitate and promote growth in the economies of Gibraltar and the Campo and ensure a fluid frontier.
On Monday 5th June 2017 Minister for Equality, Samantha Sacramento, hosted a cinema screening and reception in honour of the Special Olympics athletes who attended the World Winter Games held in Austria earlier this year.
Read more: Celebrating the Achievements of Team Gibraltar at the Special Olympics World Winter Games
The Gibraltar Cultural Services have announced the programme of events for this year’s Calentita Food Festival. The events are been organised by Word of Mouth, and wiil take place on Saturday 10th June 2017 at Casemates Square from 7pm to 1am on Sunday.
The Gibraltar Care Agency and the Royal Gibraltar Police have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the joint protection of children who go missing from residential and foster care. The aim of the initiative is to further strengthen the close working cooperation between the two entities and ensure there are direct and effective lines of communication whenever there is an episode of vulnerable children absconding from care.
Read more: The Care Agency and the RGP Sign MoU on Missing Vulnerable Children
In October 2015 the Government of Gibraltar launched its ePlanning service. This allows members of the public to view planning applications online, including all the plans and other documents submitted with an application.
The Royal Gibraltar Police, in partnership with the Department of Education and the Care Agency, have today launched a new campaign highlighting the issues and dangers of sharing explicit images online or via text messages (known as ‘sexting’), with the aim of engaging young people to encourage them to think about risks and what they can do to stay safe online.
Read more: Launch of ‘Sexting’ campaign: “DON’T CLICK.......THINK”
The Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party announces with regret the sudden death of executive committee member the Hon Juan Carlos Perez.
A new project spearheaded by scientists from the Department of the Environment and the GONHS Raptor Unit will investigate the movements of Griffon Vultures migrating through the Straits of Gibraltar using lightweight GPS transmitters.
Read more: Environment and GONHS Launch Satellite Tracking Wildlife Programme
The Ministry of Equality last week held a ‘Train the Trainer’ course as part of its ongoing training on disability awareness. The course was delivered by UK Charity Attitude is Everything. Two civil servants, Calum Couper, from the Human Resources Department and Jason Belilo, from the Ministry of Equality received the training and this will now enable them to present Front Line Staff Training on Disability Awareness courses for the next couple of years.
Read more: Equality Means Business: Front Line Staff Training on Disability Awareness
The Gibraltar Health Authority has announced that it will introduce a new Early Pregnancy Assessment Service for expectant mothers as from early June of this year. In support of this initiative, the School of Health Studies has introduced a midwifery training programme for nursing staff with a four-day workshop that took place last week.
Read more: GHA Introduces New Training for Early Pregnancy Assessment Service
Her Majesty's Government of Gibraltar extends the condolences of the people of Gibraltar to the people of London in respect of the mindless overnight attack on London Bridge and Borough Market.
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