Apart from a wealth of food and drink at this year’s Calentita, the public will be able to enjoy a varied number of activities including music, dance and cooking demonstrations. Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, has been working closely with organiser’s Word of Mouth in order to provide a very entertaining programme to compliment the gastronomic feast on offer.
The Festival that is now in its 11th year will once again see an expansion of the event into Market Place and Corral Road. Last year, this move greatly eased congestion, spreading people out more, making it easier for those attending to move about and enjoy Calentita.
The Minister for Culture, Steven Linares said:
‘HM Government’s Food Festival, ‘Calentita’, is once again upon us. Calentita proves to be a popular event in our cultural calendar. Since coming into office in 2012 Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has ensured a bigger and better event for all our community to enjoy, that now sees a multi- cultural community coming together in a street party environment!
Calentita shows how our country, through this celebration and many other multicultural forms, is an example to the world. Our traditional values recognised from far afield by all who have visited us are demonstrated. Our family values, our religious diversity and harmony, the mixing of different races are all galvanised in this event. And therefore, celebrating our multiculturalism is always at top of the agenda for our Government in cultural terms, and we will continue, not only through gastronomy, but also through other cultural genres to be able to promote and foster this further, both in educational establishments and through our cultural development programmes.’
Some innovations will be added to the old favourite stalls encompassing many of the cultures that make up our community including British, Indian, Polish, Thai Chinese, Spanish, as well as the increasingly popular vegan stalls. Alongside the annual cooking competition, this year sees the introduction of a number of awards for stalls making ethical and/or environmental choices about how they prepare and serve food.
An extended reserved seating area will be provided after the sell-out success of last year’s reserved tables, so that people attending the event can guarantee themselves access to a place to rest weary legs if the ever popular “long table” is as full as it has been in previous years.
The event will take place on Saturday 10th June 2017 at Grand Casemates Square from 7pm till 1am.
A full programme of events will be announced shortly.