On Wednesday 28th June, the Gibraltar Youth Service held its Annual Summer Community Barbecue evening at the Laguna Youth Club. The evening was supported by over one hundred and fifty members of the Laguna Community.
In his budget speech Minister Linares gave a rundown of all the projects he is involved in, such as The Europa Point Complex, which will have football training pitches, a full international size Rugby and Cricket grounds.
GIBRALTAR RACE is a Moto-Challenge Raid open to riders from any country with a dirt bike, a trail bike or an enduro bike.
The First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones AM arrived in Gibraltar late Thursday on a short working visit. The visit took place against the background of the decision taken in the United Kingdom to leave the European Union and follows the continuing contact between the Government of Gibraltar and the Devolved Administrations in the United Kingdom with the objective of exploring common interests including commercial and economic links.
HM Customs have been targeting several tobacco retailers in an attempt to curtail tobacco smuggling, and during an operation conducted on the 27th June, Officers of the Flexible Anti Smuggling Team kept surveillance of two persons in the area of Casemates square.
A group of workers from the Gibraltar Youth Service recently took part in a training day at their premises. The workshop was based on assertiveness and delivered by Rock Learning.
'A new Health Improvement Strategy will be implemented from January 2018, which will build on the areas identified in the previous strategy over the following three years. An initiative to tackle childhood obesity will also be introduced.
The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has warned that Spain cannot be allowed to get away with creating an "apartheid" treatment for Gibraltar as a consequence of the negotiations for the future relationship of the United Kingdom with the European Union.
Read more: Spain Seeks "Apartheid" Treatment for Gibraltar in Brexit Talks says Garcia
During his Budget address, The Minister for Infrastructure & Planning summarised the roles and responsibilities of the Departments he is politically responsible for and praised the hard work of his staff and all the other departments involved in delivering the multitude of manifesto commitments and policies, which came under his remit.
Minister for Housing Samantha Sacramento MP, last week chaired the first meeting of the Housing Fire Safety Review Committee that was announced by Government following the tragic events that followed the fire at Grenfell Tower in London.
Read more: Minister for Housing Chairs First Meeting of the Fire Safety Review Committee
"Mr Speaker, I have the honour to present my fourth Budget Speech dealing with each of the areas I have the privilege to have responsibility for;
The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia yesterday told Parliament that he leaves for Brussels today in order to open an important exhibition about Gibraltar in the European Parliament. This is part of the policy of the Government to continue to raise the profile of Gibraltar in the EU, in particular in the present climate.
Read more: Budget Summary – The Hon Dr Joseph Garcia, Deputy Chief Minister
June 26th marks the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Government has said it remains resolutely committed to addressing the negative consequences that drug abuse exacts upon our community.
Read more: United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Gibraltar Finance is hosting a series of discussions on “Gibraltar as a preferred jurisdiction for the UK and Commonwealth countries” in Gibraltar House, London on 28th June 2017. The event has been organised in partnership with the Gibraltar Funds and Investment Association (GFIA).
Read more: Gibraltar Finance Promotes our Wealth Management Sector
The Gibraltar Fire & Rescue Service (GFRS), and the Airport Fire & Rescue Service (AFRS), two agencies that have long served the community admirably, have formalised a joint agreement in the form of two Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), one for Aviation Incidents, and another for Mutual Assistance within the GFRS’s jurisdiction.
Read more: Fire & Rescue Services Join Hands for the Community
Almost fifty members of the Gibraltar Cadet Force were inspected by His Excellency the Governor and by the Chief Minister in a parade held in Devil's Tower Camp in Saturday morning. Watched by many local dignitaries and family members, the Cadets marched on to the parade square, accompanied by the Band of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment.
Gibraltar Cultural Services have announced that Shane Dalmedo has been selected to represent Gibraltar at the Berlin artist residency. The Berlin art residence exchange programme is a cultural development initiative organised by GCS on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, together with Lichtenberg Studios.
Read more: Artists for Gibraltar - Berlin Artist Exchange Residency
Breastfeeding is an important public health issue because it promotes health, prevents disease and generally confers extensive and well-established benefits. Breastfeeding is recognised as an extremely effective preventative health measure for both mothers and babies. Except in very few specific medical situations, breastfeeding should be universally encouraged.
Read more: New Legislative Measures to Protect Breastfeeding Mothers
Government have announced it has reached the next milestone in its strategy in the recovery of arrears of housing rent. The balance of arrears now owing is just below £5 million, this means that over £1 million have been recovered since the arrears collection strategy commenced just under a year and half ago.
Read more: Housing Department Reaches New Milestone - Arrears Reduced to Below £5Million
Yesterday afternoon Police received a report of an alleged Robbery taking place at a warehouse within New Harbours Industrial Estate. During the robbery, four warehouse employees were tied up and 3 of them received injuries consistent with having been physically assaulted.
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