World Environment Day (WED) is the biggest, most globally celebrated day for positive environmental action. Through WED, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) enables everyone to realize not only the responsibility to care for the Earth but also reminds us of our individual power to become agents of change.
Read more: World Environment Day Event at Commonwealth Park - Monday 5th June
Clubhouse Gibraltar had a very successful Mental Health Awareness and Fund raising campaign this year. Mental Health Week started with the launch of their Annual Report on Thursday 11th May with a presentation at John Mackintosh Hall followed by Wear Yellow day on Friday, in which many schools and organisations participated and also collected funds for the ongoing work provided by Clubhouse Gibraltar.
Summer Nights 2017 will be held every Thursday and Saturday from Thursday 13th July to Saturday 12th August 2017 at various locations around Gibraltar, from 8.30pm to 11.30pm.
Although one of the world's smallest jurisdictions, Gibraltar is proud to take its place in the global community and do everything possible to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to the aims of Paris.
Read more: Government Confirms its Commitment to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
The Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) have announced that two members of staff have recently completed a training course for Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO). Port Officers Paul Howard and Stefan Rothwell attended the course, held in conjunction with Gibdock, focusing on port and maritime security.
Read more: Gibraltar Port Authority Staff Complete Port Security Training
This week, the Chief Minister has hosted two receptions for those involved in providing support to children in our local community. On Tuesday evening, around forty Childline volunteers were invited on to the terrace at No6 where Mr Picardo, along with Ministers Neil Costa and Steven Linares, thanked them both individually and collectively for all their efforts.
Read more: Chief Minister Hosts Receptions For Child Support Teams
The School of Health Studies (SHS) at St Bernard’s Hospital will hold an open evening on June 1st 2017, when the public will be able to see the facilities at the SHS and meet with lecturers and staff between 5pm-8pm. The event will also give aspiring nurses the opportunity to learn more of what the school has to offer and discuss career pathways with current student nurses and nursing graduates from past intakes, who will be present during the evening.
Read more: School of Health Studies Holds Open Day to Promote Nursing Career
Social workers from the Care Agency, a representative from Childline (Gibraltar) and Royal Gibraltar Police officers have completed a one-week joint training course on child abuse investigation at BleakHouse. Known as SCAIDP (Specialist Child Abuse Investigator Development Programme), this is a UK based scheme designed to enhance the professional skills of those investigating and dealing with child abuse offences in Gibraltar. The basic aim is to allow the two organisations to work together in resolving child protection matters and dealing with the effects of trauma on children.
Read more: The RGP, Childline and the Care Agency Join Forces to Tackle Child Abuse Cases
Professor Ian Peate OBE, Head of School at the School of Health Studies, was awarded Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing (FRCN) at the opening ceremony at RCN Congress in Liverpool 13th May 2017. Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Fellows are an outstanding group of people who have made a real difference to others and to nursing.
Read more: Head of School of Health Studies Awarded Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing
Last week was another busy week which saw many people attend training on disability equality. The Ministry of Equality provided bespoke training to both the public and private sectors in relation to disability awareness, and specifically for counter staff and individuals who work in the front line when providing services.
Read more: Disability Awareness Training for Frontline Staff
In an increasingly complex online world, websites, mobile applications and various other online platforms are demanding more personal information from internet users than ever before. Whilst this allows for an experience online that is tailored to the needs of the individual, it is becoming increasingly significant for individuals to have control over their personal information online.
Read more: International Review of User Controls Over Personal Information
In a statement released today, Government have said it "continues to liaise and work with our licensees to ensure any changes in their arrangements in Gibraltar are communicated early and properly understood. It has been clear for some time that the Betfair office was under review due to the new BetfairPaddyPower merged company consolidating its estate and operations across Europe since it was formed last year."
Read more: Govt Reacts to Betfair/Paddypower’s Decision to Close Gibraltar Office
Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, Dr John Cortes, recently chaired the second meeting of the Brexit and Environment Working Group, which includes representatives from the Department of Environment., Heritage and Climate Change, the Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society (GONHS), and the Environmental Safety Group (ESG).
The Ministry of Equality, as part of its Equality Means Business series of lectures, hosted a working breakfast seminar for over 60 attendees this morning to look at why being inclusive makes business sense.
Read more: Equality Means Business: Making The Business Case for Being Inclusive
Last weekend eighteen young people from the Laguna Youth Club took part in an overnight camping adventure with “Earth Strength” in Fascinas, Spain.
An Open Day will be held at the Mario Finlayson National Art Gallery on Friday 2nd June to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the gallery and to present to the public several newly acquired artworks.
The GHA School of Health Studies today held their Health and Social Care awards ceremony at the Rock Hotel. The event was attended by Minister for Health, Care and Justice, the Honourable Neil F. Costa MP, School Principal Ian Peate, Dr Ron Coram and other guests.
Read more: GHA School of Health Studies Hold Successful Awards Ceremony at Rock Hotel
The Gibraltar Contingency Council (GCC) met again this morning, 24th May, to review security following the latest developments in the UK.
Read more: Gibraltar Contingency Council Meeting 24th May 2017
The Gibraltar Spring Visual Arts Exhibition, organised by Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, is being held at the Gustavo Bacarisas Gallery from 24th May to 3rd June. The Hon Steven Linares, Minister for Culture officially opened the Exhibition and presented the prizes on Tuesday 23rd May 2017.
Ms Donna Lee HOYVIK who has been the subject of a missing person appeal has been in contact with her family and is safe and well in Spain.
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