The Gibraltar Sports and Leisure Authority are offering evenings of sport and leisure activities throughout the summer for all the family. These will take place every Wednesday from 8pm to 10pm at the Bayside Sports Complex.
Read more: Family Fun Wednesday Evenings at Bayside Sports Complex
The Department of the Environment, Heritage and Climate Change will implement a temporary suspension to the 2017 Tuna Open Season.
Read more: Bluefin Tuna Open Season Temporary Suspension and Quota Increase
Following the King of Spain's state visit to the UK, the Government of Gibraltar have reacted to the comment made by the King of Spain about Gibraltar in his address in Westminster Hall.
Read more: The Most Important Voice in Dialogue is Gibraltar's, says Chief Minister
51 year old Stephen Anthony Martinez has been arrested earlier today by officers of the RGP’s Public Protection Unit for possession of indecent photographs of children.
Read more: Local Man Arrested for Possession of Indecent Photographs of Children
An important breakthrough in recognising the rights of territories linked to Commonwealth Countries has been achieved thanks to the efforts of Minister Joe Bossano.
Read more: Bossano Wins Equal Rights for Gibraltar in Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
Last week members of Dolphin's Youth Club hosted an interclub BBQ at their premises where over 60 members from the other youth clubs attended.
The Office of Fair Trading (OFT), in conjunction with the Ministry for Commerce, is raising awareness about the OFT’s recent appointment as a supervisory authority for high value dealers under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2015 (POCA).
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo will give an address at the Congress and Exhibition Palace Adolfo Suarez in Marbella on Tuesday 11th July at 12 noon.
Read more: Chief Minister to Speak at Universidad de Malaga (Marbella)
Officials from the Ministry for Housing last week attended a conference organised by the Chartered Institute of Housing(CIH) in Manchester.
Read more: Gib Housing Officials Attend Manchester Conference
The Royal Gibraltar Police will be hosting its annual Summer Camp this year with two camps, each 1 week long, and catering for 15 children aged between 8-10 years, per week.
In view of the delays in businesses applying for their Main Street permits, and the number of these permits that each firm requires, Government have stated they will be extending the period for submission of permit applications by a further period of 7 days.
Elsie Gonzalez, Science Technician at Bayside School has been awarded the ‘Gratnell's Science Technician of the Year’ prize in its ‘International School’ section.
Read more: Bayside’s Elsie Gonzalez Wins International Award
The Royal Gibraltar Police is warning the public of a new feature on the popular application “Snapchat” that reveals users’ locations. The “Snap Maps” feature was introduced into the application as part of a recent update, where it displays a map of nearby friends that pin point a user’s latest location gathered through their smart-phone’s GPS sensor.
Read more: Police Warn Parents & Children Over ’Location-Sharing’ Snapchat Update
A delegation of three members of the United States Congress arrived in Gibraltar last night on a fact-finding visit.
The discovery of a Neanderthal child’s upper right canine milk tooth in Vanguard Cave, Gibraltar, was announced at a press conference today.
Read more: BREAKING NEWS - Discovery of a Neanderthal Tooth in Vanguard Cave
A group of nine youngsters from the Plater Youth Club took part in a camping adventure last weekend with Earth Strength, in Facinas, Spain.
Government have announced that the Minister for Equality has established a working group with the Gibraltar Football Association (GFA) and the Ministry of Equality with the aim of making the new UEFA Category 4 National Football Stadium accessible to, and inclusive of, people with disabilities.
Read more: Working Group Established to Ensure Accessibility of New National Football Stadium
The Ministry for Infrastructure and Planning have announced that, as from today, Monday 3rd July 2017, Government will be commissioning a new Pay & Display on Bayside Road.
Read more: Introduction of Pilot Pay & Display Zone at Bayside Road
At the Fiji meeting of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO), Joe Bossano, who participated as Minister for Telecommunications raised the issue of British Overseas Territories being able to participate in CTO as country members.
Read more: Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Constitutional Committee
Rachid Behdroui, a 51 year old Moroccan national has been arrested and charged with Robbery in relation to the Robbery at New Harbours on the 21st June.
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