
After completing an 18 month review of its branch network operations, Newcastle Building Society has announced it will close its branch in Gibraltar in October this year.

Authorities in Gibraltar continue to closely monitor events surrounding Friday's global ransomware cyber attack that targeted organisations and individuals in various countries, in particular, those targeting various sectors across the United Kingdom, where agencies continue to work and cooperate closely to investigate the attacks and restore services to those affected areas.

Urban Dance will be performing ' I Love Dance' as part of their annual production, this Friday 19th May at the John Mackintosh Hall. They will showcase a variety of new dance pieces of varying styles and age groups - commercial, contemporary, lyrical, jazz, hip hop and dance theatre, with choreographies by Yalta Pons and Giovanka Afzan.

It is quite common for people to confuse psychology and psychiatry, psychological issues with psychiatric issues, and psychologists with psychiatrists. Many people mistakenly believe that the two are one and the same thing, others may be struggling with a mental health issue and not know whether to turn to a psychologist or a psychiatrist. In this article I hope to not only help clarify the distinction, but also express the importance in understanding that distinction if and when you or someone you know feels they need mental health support.

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has raised some of the challenges that Gibraltar faces in a Brexit Convention which opened in London yesterday morning. Dr Garcia was part of a panel discussion entitled "Will Europe make it?"

It is an interesting facet of humans that, while we seem to draw a clear distinction between those with mental health conditions and those without, and personally identify as either one or the other, we also often hear of symptoms associated to specific mental health conditions and say “oh, I do that” even despite endeavouring to personally disassociate from the “crazy”. Does this tell us that we are all actually mad? Does it tell us that while people do not want to identify with a specific label, they are comfortable identifying with symptoms?

I, like many other people, struggle daily with anxiety. Sometimes this anxiety is rooted in a specific event that has occurred, from something minor like a conversation with someone that has left me feeling anxious about having said something that perhaps I wish I hadn’t, to something bigger like the presence of a physical symptom that points at a potentially serious health problem.

Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry for Culture, have announced the return of the Teatro Lirico Andaluz to perform in Gibraltar as part of the Spring Festival Cultural programme.

Government have warmly congratulated Michael Llamas QC upon his appointment as Europe's representative in the highly prestigious and important Ethics Committee of FIFA. Mr Llamas joins other highly distinguished lawyers and judges who will form part of the Ethics Committee. These include a former President of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

"As it's Mental Health Awareness week I thought I would share my story. About 14 years ago after having been on antidepressants a few times I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, or Manic Depression as it used to be known. In the media it has sometimes been portrayed in a very negative light - who could forget Britney Spears trying to hit the paparazzi with an umbrella during her meltdown? But that was not an accurate picture of what it is really like to live with mental illness. "

Imagine if your brain rebooted every two seconds, and every time it rebooted it meant what you just looked at became hard to remember accurately. So, for example, you check if you locked the door, turn around, your brain reboots and makes it hard to remember if you did lock the door, so you have to turn around and check it again. And imagine if every reboot makes the memory fainter and fainter until you find it completely impossible to remember whether you locked the door no matter how many times you turn around to check it and end up having a huge anxiety attack. This is what having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is like, or at least one type.

The traffic speed cameras came into operation on 20th April 2017, and up to Sunday 7th May, a period of grace was given by the RGP. Notwithstanding, the Royal Gibraltar Police have stated that warning letters have been sent to offending motorists.

The Oxford Dictionary’s definition for Anorexia is ‘An emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.’ Today’s story candidly describes the struggles faced with this very misunderstood mental disorder. It was especially written in the interest of education and to help raise awareness, and it aims to motivate readers who suspect they suffer from an eating disorder to seek help, because help is always out there.

The GHA has introduced a new medical app for its clinicians that will enable them to access pathology test results much more easily wherever they are, on their smart phones and other mobile devices, 24 hours a day. The recently introduced Modulab app is safe, easy to use, password protected, encrypted and follows best practice as applied in other locations.

Today’s piece touches on ‘Post Natal Depression’. It is the second in our series of personal stories that we’ll be covering during Mental Health Awareness Week.  It is not easy to read, but it offers hope. These memoirs are written from personal experience and are not meant to provide any form of diagnosis or professional advice. They aim to create awareness and to encourage readers with similar feelings to seek expert help. PND is very common, but more often than not, many women suffer in silence. Talk to someone. You are not alone.

Commodore Bob Sanguinetti, CEO of the GPA and Captain of the Port attended a European LNG Forum in Copenhagen earlier this week. Hosted by the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) of which the GPA are members, it brought together about a hundred representatives from shipping companies, port authorities and energy suppliers from across Europe to discuss latest developments in the field of LNG bunkering.

"His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, a long-term supporter of Gibraltar, yesterday announced his well-earned retirement from public life. On behalf of the People of Gibraltar I would like to express my gratitude for his unwavering friendship over the years and wish him a happy and healthy retirement."

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, we will be publishing some very personal stories sent to us by some of our readers that are both informative and beautifully honest. Reader discretion is therefore advised. We feel publishing these very personal accounts will help break down common misconceptions, stigmas and myths that continue to surround issues of mental health and even though awareness is growing, we believe it is still not enough. We want to reach out to any of our readers who find they, or someone they know, relate to these same experiences, and encourage them to seek expert advice. There are a number of support groups in Gibraltar that are approachable, understanding, and will not judge you. Help is out there. You are not alone.

The Gibraltar Health Authority, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, has set up an anonymous telephone hotline for members of the community and staff members to report any area of concern or complaints about the local health service.

Gibraltar and South West MEP Clare Moody (Labour) was in Gibraltar today on a constituency visit.

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