After several weeks of club activity and project participation, members of the Youth Centre enjoyed a relaxing day trip to the town of Ronda on Saturday. For some members this was their first time visiting Ronda, and for others their first time by train.
The European Parliament this morning voted on the negotiating parameters for the European Union in the forthcoming process for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Read more: European Parliament Determines Its Brexit Position
The Chief Minster has held various telephone conversations in the past three days with the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, the Rt Hon David Davis MP.
When ‘Vox’ contacted me and asked for a comment on the content of the draft Guidelines published by the European Council in reply to Theresa May’s letter triggering the process that will deliver Britain’s divorce from the EU, I was glad to agree. For close to two decades and until shortly prior to entering politics, I contributed the then physical newspaper’s weekly ‘Rock Around The Rock’ music column and so, for many years, its Editor, the late and always charismatic Eddie Campello, was a friend.
Read more: Fabian Vinet on The European Council’s Draft Guidelines
Clubhouse Gibraltar have announced that they have started a new Transitional Employment Placement (TEP) at Central Clinic. The job placement covers general receptionist duties such as answering the telephone and general office duties.
Read more: Clubhouse Gibraltar Acquires Employment Placement
The Chief Minister of Her Majesty's Government of Gibraltar, the Hon Fabian Picardo QC MP this afternoon held a useful telephone conversation with Mr Joseph Muscat KUOM, the Prime Minister of Malta.
Read more: Chief Minister Conversation with Prime Minister of Malta
The Gibraltar Health Authority will advertise the new position of matron at St Bernard’s Hospital. The new role will be tasked with the maintenance of adequate hygiene and cleanliness in the wards, together with high standards of care and good practice. Other core functions will be to ensure that individual patients are nursed back to health in a comfortable environment and with the right plan of clinical care for their needs.
Read more: GHA Announces New Matron to be Introduced at St Bernard’s Hospital
The Minister for Tourism, Gilbert Licudi QC, introduced the Gibraltar Lecture at the FT Weekend Oxford Literary Festival. The lecture was delivered to a packed auditorium by bestselling historian Laurence Rees who talked about his landmark publication on the Holocaust. In his book, Mr Rees examines two of the fundamental questions in history - how and why did the Holocaust happen.
Read more: Gibraltar Lecture at the FT Weekend Oxford Literary Festival
The Disability Service organised a ‘Planning and Provision of Activities’ accredited course for 11 members of staff - comprised of care workers, session leaders and managers - from St Bernadette’s Resource Centre and Dr Giraldi Home during 27th-30th March 2017.
The Department of the Environment, Heritage and Climate change (DEHCC) has begun installing artificial nests within the Gibraltar Nature Reserve to help attract a spectacular fish-eating bird of prey back to the Rock; the Osprey, also known as the Fish Eagle.
Read more: Environment Installs Artificial Nests for Ospreys
The Government of Gibraltar says it notes the reference to Gibraltar in the draft Guidelines published by the European Council yesterday, and that issues related to Gibraltar’s continued access to the UK market and access to trade deals with the rest of the world are outside the scope of the final negotiating parameters which will be established by the EU Council by the end of April.
Read more: Gibraltar Government Statement on European Council Draft Guidelines
The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia this morning presented the Gibraltar Medallion of Honour to Congressman George Holding in the Capitol Building in Washington. The presentation took place in the Lincoln Room, once used by Abraham Lincoln to lobby members of Congress.
Read more: Dr Garcia Presents Medallion of Honour to Congressman Holding
Matthew and Chloe Brokenshire, a husband and wife team, will be swimming the Straits of Gibraltar between the 8th and 14th April 2017 (weather permitting). They describe it as ABC – A Brokenshire Challenge. Their aim is to raise funds for 3 charities: Combat Stress, STEP UK (Chloe's charity in Iraq) and Clubhouse Gibraltar.
Read more: Husband and Wife Team to Swim the Straits in Aid of Charity
Government and Unite the Union have, for the past seven months, been engaged in negotiations with members of the Union employed by the Care Agency to conduct a Care Workers Industrial Review.
Read more: Government and Unite Agree Outcomes of Care Workers Industrial Review
Charlie XCX, Years & Years and The Vaccines will be joining Fatboy Slim, Craig David, Clean Bandit and Steve Aoki on the Main Stage.
Read more: MTV Presents Gibraltar Calling - 6 New Acts Announced!
Mr Speaker,
All Honourable Members will be aware of the statement by the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Theresa May, in another Parliament earlier this afternoon.
Government have announced that it will be introducing street art / graffiti as part of its urban regeneration programme. The aim is to revitalize areas that require redevelopment and attempt to improve the physical appeal of building façades.
19 year old Francis Avellano brought home team Gibraltar’s first ever Gold Medal in the Alpine Skiing novice slalom event. Francis was presented with his Gold medal by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Samuel Santos was another star in Alpine skiing, achieving a silver medal in the super-G finals and attracting the interest of international sporting broadcaster ESPN.
Read more: Amazing Achievements for Special Olympics Gibraltar
The Gibraltar Health Authority’s new Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service (PALS) has become an effective means of providing information and guidance on all aspects of the health service and its administrative procedures.
The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia is in Washington where he will hold over twenty meetings with Members of Congress from both the Republican and Democratic parties. This is a continuation of the policy of the Government to put across the Gibraltar point of view on current issues to decision-makers in the United States of America.
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