
The University of Gibraltar and The Friends of Gibraltar Heritage Society are pleased to announce that Rebecca Gabay has been awarded the scheme’s inaugural bursary of £1000.

The first International Sports Law Conference in Gibraltar will be hosted by the University of Gibraltar next week, on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th March.

The Gibraltar Contingency Council [GCC] met at 7pm today, to consider the implications of today’s events in London in regard to the security of Gibraltar.

A mission from the European Commission will be visiting Gibraltar from 23 – 25 March 2017.

Government says it welcomes the chorus of support for Gibraltar in the House of Lords last night during the debate on the report ‘Brexit: Gibraltar’.

The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia held a friendly and productive meeting yesterday with the UK Minister for Europe and the Americas Sir Alan Duncan MP at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Unite the Union attended a high level meeting at the MOD Centre in Whitehall. The delegation consisted of Mike McCartney MOD National Officer, Christian Duo Branch Coordinating Official and Chris Cadman Unite Executive Council member.

The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia today held a positive meeting with the Secretary of State for International Trade Dr Liam Fox MP in London.

Government, in partnership with the Gibraltar Taxi Association (GTA) have announced the publication of an updated Gibraltar Taxi Service Customer Charter.

The Special Olympics team that left Gibraltar on Tuesday will be competing in Floorball, Alpine Skiing and Snowshoeing at the Games, which will be held In the cities of Graz, Schladming and Ramsau respectively from the 18th to 24th March.

Gibraltar once again participated at the Seatrade Cruise Global cruise and shipping convention held in Fort Lauderdale from 13th to 16th March.

Gibraltar Cultural Services have announced that Word of Mouth will run the organisation for the food festival “Calentita”.

With a new single racing up the charts called ‘Where U Iz’, the organisers are thrilled to announce MTV favourite Fatboy Slim live on stage at MTV Presents Gibraltar Calling music festival.

Government have announced that Gibraltar will be the starting point for the Eurafrica Trail 2017 - the first mountain race in the world to be held between two continents and three countries.

Gibraltar Cultural Services are informing the general public that due to unforeseen circumstances The White Light Company entry ‘The American Dream’, which was going to be performed as the third play on the evening of Thursday 23rd March, has had to withdraw from the Festival.

The Minister for Tourism, Employment, Commercial Aviation and the Port, The Hon Gilbert Licudi QC MP, will introduce the Gibraltar Lecture at the FT Weekend Oxford Literary Festival on 31st March.

Commonwealth Games Association of Gibraltar President Harry Murphy and Secretary General Joe Schembri have today attended the launch of the Queens Baton Relay.

The University of Gibraltar has joined the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) bringing global recognition and an acknowledgement of its PhD research programme.

Government has reiterated its complete support for its Insurance sector in Gibraltar and confidence in the important role played by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) in delivering high European standards of insurance regulation.

A major exhibition is being planned by Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture. This exhibition will celebrate the history and development of fashion in Gibraltar.

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