The Royal Gibraltar Police and HM Customs working in conjunction with the American Drugs Enforcement Agency (DEA), and with the assistance of the Gibraltar Port Authority, yesterday conducted an intelligence-led policing operation in the Bay of Gibraltar.
Read more: International Drug Trafficking Operation - 108kg of Cocaine Seized
On 17th March 2017 Customs Officers engaged in Operation Bayview, an ongoing anti-smuggling Tobacco Operation targeting the Eastside, kept surveillance of a residential address in Glacis Estate that was suspected of being used for the illegal storage, and subsequent distribution, of cigarettes smuggled from the area of eastern beach.
The Department of the Environment, Heritage and Climate Change will be hosting an underwater photography presentation together with marine photography giants INON. The presentation will be held on Friday 31st March at 1900hrs at The Gibraltar University.
Read more: Environment Hosts Underwater Photography Presentation
Inclusive Cinema Screenings will be launched on 2 April 2017 to commemorate World Autism Day and, will thereafter be available at noon on the first Sunday of every month.
Read more: World Autism Day 2017 – Launch of Further Inclusive Cinema Screenings
At the Gala Night of the Gibraltar Drama Festival held at the Ince’s Hall Theatre on Saturday 25th March 2017, the Adjudicator, Chris Jaeger MBE GODA, reached the following decision on the Awards:
Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, have announced that this year’s Summer Nights events will be going on tour around Gibraltar.
The Gibraltar Mental Welfare Society will be holding a public meeting on Monday 3rd April, at the John Mackintosh Hall. The Society invites service users, family of service users, and anybody else who has an interest in mental health, to attend.
Read more: Gibraltar Mental Welfare Society Holds Public Meeting
The Ministry of Equality, as part of its role of developing policies and creating awareness of disability issues, is also developing a program to assist and support parents and carers of individuals with autism.
Read more: Understanding Autism Information Seminars – Parental Strategies; Managing Behaviour
The Department of the Environment reminds all dog owners that the deadline for the DNA fingerprinting of their dogs is the 31st March 2017. This can be done at either of the two veterinary clinics in Gibraltar.
This year Childline has called on the community to join in the #8008 challenge to raise awareness about their freephone Helpline number 8008. The Convent joined in on Wednesday by baking – and eating! – a cake displaying the Helpline number.
The Gibraltar Health Authority is organising a painting competition in conjunction with the Department of Education to design the new official logo of the GHA. The competition will be open to children from all local schools on a voluntary basis. The closing date for entries is April 21 2017.
Read more: GHA Launches New Official Logo Competition for Schools
Government has recently been engaged in positive and productive meetings with Unite the Union on the subject of staff contracts at the GHA.
The Minister with responsibility for Justice, Neil F. Costa, has published a Bill to create a Law Commission in Gibraltar for the reform of the law and for connected purposes.
The Department of Employment has printed a leaflet that provides essential information to anyone considering setting up a business, trade or profession in Gibraltar. It will also inform employees of the statutory minimum and their entitlement.
The latest version of the Thinking Green Digest, produced by the Department of Heritage, Environment and Climate Change, is now available online at
The Gibraltar Savings Bank has reviewed the interest rates payable on its Ordinary Deposits and Debentures.
Read more: Review of Interest Rates Payable by Gibraltar Savings Bank
Ten years after the world’s first Earth Hour put climate change in the spotlight, WWF’s landmark movement is set to once again unite millions of people from around the planet to shine a light on climate action.
The Ministry of Equality is reminding the public of the continued availability at Leisure Cinemas of equipment which addresses the needs of the deaf, hard of hearing, blind and visually impaired. Inclusive Cinema Screening commenced in November 2015 as a result of collaboration between the Ministry of Equality, Ministry of Culture and Leisure Cinemas.
Government have announced the launch of the Bus tracker Webapp Route 7. This route services Mount Alvernia via Europa Road from Orange Bastion on Line Wall.
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Garcia have expressed their sympathies following Wednesday’s atrocity in Westminster.
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