The next in the Gibraltar Museum’s lecture series held in collaboration with the Gorham’s Cave Complex and the Gibraltar Scientific Society, will be held this Thursday 18th May at 7pm at the Charles Hunt Room, John Mackintosh Hall.
Pete Jackson will be talking on the subject of ‘The Five Stages of Tunnelling in Gibraltar’.
The tunnels of Gibraltar were constructed over the course of two centuries, principally by the British Army, making the Rock of Gibraltar an underground fortress that housed guns, hangars, ammunition stores, barracks and hospitals. Despite Gibraltar’s relatively small area of less than 7km2, it has around 55km of tunnels, much more than the total length of its surface road network.
Mr Jackson will take the audience on a journey through the first tunnels excavated in the late 18th Century and the construction methods employed through to the vast network of tunnels we know today after their massive expansion during World War II.
The lecture is open to the public and is free of charge.
For further information on this forthcoming talk or on the Museum Lecture Series, please contact the Gibraltar Museum at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 200 74289.