
The Minister for Sport and Leisure, the Hon Leslie Bruzon visited the Kings Bastion Leisure Centre, where he was met by the KBLC Managing Directors John Azzopardi and Sean Galligan and introduced to the staff.

The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo visited St. Mary’s Lower Primary School.

Minster Feetham last week visited the Gibraltar Digital Skills Academy where school students from Bayside, Westside and Prior Park are competing in the 1st round of CyberCenturion X.

The Department of Public Health are urging anyone considering an invasive or injectable beauty and lifestyle treatment to stop and ask who, what and how?

Mary Berry has been confirmed as the latest speaker to join the Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival 2023 line-up of authors.

Minister for Sport, Leslie Bruzon, took part in the Cancer Research UK (Gibraltar Branch) Walk for Life on Saturday.

The Hon Nigel Feetham KC, Gibraltar's Minister with responsibility for Financial Services, hosted a distinguished gathering at the historic Guildhall on 23rd October for over 300 guests.

 The GHA observed World Hospice and Palliative Care Day on the 14th October, a day which celebrated and supported Hospice and Palliative Care in Gibraltar.

The Minister for Youth, the Hon Christian Santos, met the Youth Service Senior Team as they look forward to continuing to enhancing their service delivery and raising the aspirations of young people in our community.

As part of this year’s Gibraltar Literature Week offering there will be a public writing workshop focusing on ‘Telling Our Stories’.

The Deputy Chief Minister, the Hon Dr Joseph Garcia, delivered an address to the United Nations 4th Committee, marking the sixtieth anniversary of Gibraltar's first appearance before the United Nations.

The Minister for Justice Nigel Feetham made an introductory visit to the Gibraltar Courts Service yesterday afternoon to meet the staff and outline his plans moving forward.

An additional four speakers have been announced for the Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival.

The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo KC and the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia held a Press Conference this afternoon at No 6 Convent Place, to announce the new Ministerial Portfolios following a meeting of the Cabinet this morning.

The GSLP/Lib Alliance secured its fourth consecutive term with a 49.9% share of the vote and will govern with 9 MP's.

As part of the varied programme of Gibraltar Literature Week 2023, schools will also be treated to visits, talks and storytelling sessions for all school ages.

The GHA has said it is reviewing the children’s orthodontic and general dental waiting lists and will be sending an SMS message acknowledging those patients that are on one of their waiting lists.

Caretaker Minister for Public Health John Cortes met last week with Una Geary, the Public Health specialist commissioned to carry out a study on the increase special needs in Gibraltar’s younger population.

Professor John Cortes officially opened the new natural history museum at Parson’s Lodge. The new museum will be open to the public from Tuesday 10th October onwards.

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