
Three Gibraltarian delegates participated in the inaugural Overseas Territories Youth Summit (OTYS) on 16th November in London.

The Princess Royal and the Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo KC MP, addressed authors and guests at the opening dinner of the Gibunco Gibraltar International Literary Festival, held at the Sunborn Hotel.

Earlier this year, His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar announced an exciting opportunity for a young person to participate at the UK Youth Parliament sitting in the House of Commons on Friday 17th November.

A historic occasion took place in the Mayor’s Parlour, City Hall on Friday 10th November 2023 with the Signing Ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between Gibraltar and Tangier.

Day 5 of Gibraltar Literature Week saw a talk by Claire Montado

Day 4 of Gibraltar Literature Week saw talks by Jonathan Pizzaro & Louis Emmitt-Stern

Minister John Cortes, who has recently taken on Infrastructure in his Portfolio, has set up an Infrastructure co-ordination Committee which met with him for the first time on Thursday.

The Gibraltar Financial Intelligence Unit (GFIU) has launched its latest workshop on its online learning platform called e-Nexus.

The Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) and the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (GRA) in its capacity as Information Commissioner recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) establishing principles of cooperation between Gibraltar’s financial services regulator and the Information Commissioner.

A multi-agency live exercise (LIVEX) practiced the emergency response to an incident at the Gasnor LNG Terminal last Thursday.

His Excellency the Governor, Vice Admiral Sir David Steel KBE KSTJ DL, and the Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo KC, were received in a Private Audience by His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican in Rome.

Day 3 of Gibraltar Literature Week saw talks by Juan Carlos Teuma and Ros Astengo.

On Thursday morning a simulated exercise will test the multi-agency response to an emergency incident in the Gibraltar LNG Terminal and Gibraltar Electricity Authority’s North Mole Power Station.

Day 2 of Gibraltar Literature Week saw talks by Richard Garcia and Darren Fa.

The Minister for Sport, the Hon Leslie Bruzon was this invited by Gibraltar Cricket to attend the 1st William Scott Memorial Trophy at the Europa Sports Complex yesterday.

The Ministry for Justice, Trade and Industry had the pleasure of welcoming James Barton and Jarod Vassallo into their offices yesterday.

'An Audience with' Her Worship the Mayor Carmen Gomez and Sonia Golt kicked off Gibraltar Literature Week yesterday evening in discussions that explored Memories and the Benefits of Writing and Reading.

In a remarkable display of teamwork and dedication to their pupils, Ms. J. Grech from Westside and Ms. L. Baitson from Bayside recently orchestrated an unforgettable educational trip that left a lasting impression on their Food Preparation and Nutrition A Level students.

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal will visit Gibraltar 17-18 November in her capacity as Patron of the Gibraltar International Literary Festival.

The annual Poetry Competition, organised by Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS) and the Gibraltar Chronicle, attracted a total of 230 entries.

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