The Minister for Sport, the Hon Leslie Bruzon, delivered a keynote speech at the UEFA AMF Regional Workshop held in Gibraltar earlier last week.
Read more: The Minster for Sport, the Hon Leslie Bruzon opens UEFA AMF Regional Workshop
Today, the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority has issued its Decision Notice on the Provision of Public Pay Telephones and other Public Voice Telephony Access Points.
At St Joseph's Lower Primary School, Nursery children and their family members have been engaging in 'Care to Share' learning activities.
In a move towards fostering greater collaboration and tax/regulatory compliance, the Income Tax Office and Gambling Division of HM Government of Gibraltar have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
Read more: Memorandum of Understanding signed between Income Tax Office and Gambling Division
The Government of Gibraltar has announced the Travel Scheme for Eligible Elderly Resident Citizens.
Read more: Launch of Travel Scheme for Eligible Elderly Resident Citizens
Yesterday, the Minister for Health and Care, the Hon Arias-Vasquez visited the Bella Vista Day Care Centre’s Memory Clinic alongside Dr Antonio Marin and representatives of the Gibraltar Alzheimer’s and Dementia Society (GADS).
The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia addressed a group of students from Denmark on the political and constitutional development of Gibraltar, the EU and Brexit.
The Department of Environment would like to advise the general public that the ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is now upon us; it is officially between March and June.
The Supported Needs and Disability Office are asking for public donations of sensory toys and equipment so they can be borrowed by families who are in need of them.
The Ministry of Equality has announced several events to mark International Women’s Day. The Ministry has been working collaboratively with the Gibraltar Garrison Library and the Gibraltar Academy of Music and Performing Arts (GAMPA).
Read more: Ministry of Equality Announces Events to Mark International Women’s Day
Effects included disrupting electronic communications and service to the public, and obstructs democracy by cutting Parliament livestream during important debate of public interest.
Read more: Potential Sabotage of Government IT Infrastructure to be Reported to Police
The Select Committee on the Environment met yesterday morning for the first time in the chamber of the Gibraltar Parliament.
Read more: First meeting of Select Committee on the Environment
Join the Gibraltar National Museum as we celebrate the importance of wildlife at a World Wildlife Day event on Saturday 2nd March 2024 at the recently opened Natural History Museum at Parson’s Lodge.
The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo KC MP, has today confirmed that His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has now had confirmed that Gibraltar has been whitelisted by the FATF at its plenary this week in Paris.
Her Worship the Mayor, Carmen Gomez GMD, hosted the Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force during their visit to Gibraltar.
Read more: Her Worship hosts Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force
The Minister for Housing, the Hon Pat Orfila, convened a productive meeting with the representatives of the Tenants Association for Mid Harbour Estate.
Read more: Minister Orfila Engages with Mid Harbour Tenants Association Representatives
His Excellency The Governor was delighted to host the Commissioner of Police and the Chief Constables of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man to the Convent, during their Small Islands Police Forum.
Following the publication of the Gibraltar Police Federation (Federation) Survey the Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry Nigel Feetham KC MP proactively reached out to the Federation for a meeting at the Federation premises to discuss this.
Read more: Minister Feetham Engages with Gibraltar Police Federation Following Survey Findings
Airport Fire and Rescue Service recently welcomed two new Firefighters to its ranks following their successful completion of an eight-week Firefighter Foundation and Development Programme (FFDP), at The Fire Service College in Moreton-in-Marsh, UK.
Read more: New AFRS Recruits and Firefighters at Incident Command Level 1 Course
The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry Nigel Feetham KC MP chaired another productive meeting with the Gibraltar MoneyVal Inter-Agency Working Group, focused on the Government’s continued efforts to achieve Gibraltar's delisting.
Read more: Minister Feetham meets Gibraltar MoneyVal Inter-Agency Working Group
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