His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has announced that it has signed an agreement with Solar Century Africa Limited, a renowned global market leader in the development of solar PV and energy storage projects using smart energy technology and controls, for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a new 14MWh Battery Energy Storage System at the North Mole Power Station.
Port Officers from the Gibraltar Port Authority and colleagues from Gibdock recently completed a training programme for Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) to progress personal and professional development training commitments.
The Chief Minister of Gibraltar, the Hon Fabian Picardo KC MP, reacted to the evidence session in which Foreign Secretary Rt Hon Lord David Cameron gave evidence to the European Scrutiny Committee, saying he was impressed but not surprised by Lord Cameron’s grasp of the detail of the Gibraltar negotiation but disappointed by the failure by members of the Committee to understand the constitutional relationship between Gibraltar and the UK and the issues that Brexit has created for Gibraltar.
Read more: Chief Minister reaction to European Scrutiny Committee Evidence Session
Gibraltar Cultural Services has announced that Guy Valarino together with his live band will be supporting Melon Diesel Concert on Friday 21st June 2024 at the Europa Sports Arena.
Read more: Guy Valarino & The Gentlemen to support Melon Diesel
The Government says it notes and qualifies the statement released by Unite the Union concerning Industrial Action at the Borders and Coastguard Agency (BCA) on the premise of Health and Safety at the Gibraltar Airport Terminal and the provision of rest facilities.
Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS), on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and in conjunction with the Gibraltar Philharmonic Society, has announced the details for this year’s Celebration of Opera.
The summer term kicked off with a bang at St Mary’s Lower Primary School as students and the community joined forces to celebrate STEM Week.
Read more: STEM Week 2024 at St Mary’s Lower Primary: Where Learning Was a Blast!
The Government e-Services ‘Hub’ has expanded its services to include additional customer service counters as well as an enhanced eGov chat service which is operated by a dedicated eGov support team, and will act as a co-ordination centre to support cohesive public interactions across all Government departments and agencies.
Health and Social Care staff across Gibraltar have attended an innovative Dementia Palliative Care Course, delivered virtually by St Christopher’s Hospice, London.
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and, to mark the occasion, the Minister for Health and Care, the Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez, has committed to tabling the Mental Health Board Report for 2023 at the next meeting of the Gibraltar Parliament.
Read more: Mental Health Board Report to be tabled at next session of Parliament
The Norwegian Dawn cruise ship from Norwegian Cruises visited Gibraltar on Wednesday 8th May.
Read more: Norwegian Dawn has its inaugural cruise call in Gibraltar
The Office of Fair Trading has been informed that the cup of Genial Baby’s tableware set, has been recalled.
The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo KC MP, attended a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in London today.
Read more: Chief Minister Briefs HM The King on Talks Progress
The Gibraltar Tourist Board (GTB) under the Ministry of Tourism has announced that they had a bustling first quarter in 2024, particularly with the planning for the relaunch of the Visit Gibraltar brand which was launched at a press conference on 4th April.
Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS), on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, has announced its Spring Cultural Programme, which covers the period up until Friday 21st June 2024.
Two local dancers are the winners of the Video Project competition as part of this year’s Youth Arts Jamboree.
Read more: Youth Arts Jamboree; Video Competition Winners ‘What Does Culture Mean to You?’
His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has reported a successful handover of the Ambulance Dispatch System from the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service to the Gibraltar Ambulance Service.
Read more: Ambulance dispatch system successfully handed over to GHA
After the evidence session by OTs Minister David Rutley, the Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo KC MP, has written to the Chair of the European Scrutiny Committee, Sir Bill Cash MP.
Read more: Chief Minister writes to the Chair of the European Scrutiny Committee
The Care Agency have announced the acquisition of a brand new, fully adaptable and accessible bus, aimed at significantly improving transport for Learning Disability Services at St Bernadette’s Resource Centre.
Read more: Care Agency receives new Bus for St Bernadette’s Resource Centre
The Worker’s Memorial Day Ceremony was held this morning at the Alameda Gardens to honour the memory of those who have lost their lives or suffered injuries or illnesses as a result of their work.
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