The Ministry of Equality has announced several events to mark International Women’s Day. The Ministry has been working collaboratively with the Gibraltar Garrison Library and the Gibraltar Academy of Music and Performing Arts (GAMPA).

The first of these events, which sees a collaboration between the Ministry of Equality and the Gibraltar Garrison Library, will be a panel discussion event on Monday 4th March with the discussion theme, ‘Inspire Inclusion.’ This event, which will take place at the Garrison Library at 6pm and which includes a Q and A, is open to the public and audience participation is both welcomed and encouraged. Registration is essential as there is limited capacity. Anyone interested in attending is asked to register on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on 20042509. Please advise of any accessibility requirements when registering.

The second event which is a collaboration between the Ministry of Equality and GAMPA is a performance piece titled, ‘La Maleta.’ This is an interactive performance that explores the identity of Gibraltarian women, and which pays particular tribute to the generation of women who lived through the evacuation. There will be a performance on Thursday at 8:30pm at the GEMA Gallery and two performances on Friday, at 6:30pm and 8:30pm. Tickets can be purchased on

The Minister for Equality, the Hon Christian Santos GMD MP, said, “I very much look forward to all the events planned to mark International Women’s Day. I think that we are in for a very special treat with both types of events organized for next week. I want to thank the Garrison Library and GAMPA, who have worked with us to create events that will prove to be thought provoking and inspire positive action. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage and invite boys and men to be part of these celebratory events and more importantly to be part of the conversation around gender equality and women’s rights. We all have a role to play in creating a more just and equitable society.

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