
As part of ongoing improvements to the Upper Rock, the Department of the Environment is providing a new seating/resting/picnic area on the approaches to the Jews’ Gate entrance above the Lathbury complex.

Minister Feetham has spearheaded the inaugural session of the Government Working Group, marking a significant milestone in the implementation of a captive insurance regime for Gibraltar.

Yesterday morning, the Minister with responsibility for Housing, accompanied by the acting Principal Housing Officer and Housing Works agency staff, took proactive steps to address housing issues in the community.

The Minister for Health and Care, the Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez presented awards to Care Agency staff at their first ever Staff Awards Ceremony held on Friday.

The Moorish Castle Estate playground has been relocated to another area within the estate, following concerns raised in respect of the retaining wall at its old site.

The Minister for Housing, the Hon Pat Orfila, is delighted by the overwhelming public response to the hotline for anonymous reports of suspected empty flats.

Her Worship the Mayor, Ms Carmen Gomez GMD, hosted the following Religious Leaders for a discussion at City Hall:

On Friday 2nd February, St Paul’s School hosted a new whole school event, ‘St Paul’s Goes Camping ’, for their children to enjoy.

The Select Committee on People with Disabilities met for the first time on Monday 5th February 2024 in the Parliament Chamber.

The Minister for Housing, the Hon Pat Orfila MP, chaired a productive meeting with representatives of the Charles Bruzon House Tenants Association.

The Gibraltar Health Authority, following concerns expressed to the Minister for Health, has modified its telephone system to allow for phone calls to be specifically identified by the receiver.

The Minister for Youth, the Hon Christian Santos, together with Chief Secretary, Mr Glendon Martinez, visited Gibraltar’s youth clubs on Wednesday 31st January 2024.

The Minister with responsibility for the South District Constituency, John Cortes, hosted the first of a series of ’Town Hall’ type constituency meeting on Friday afternoon at the Central Hall.

Sunday 4th February 2024, marked World Cancer Day and, to mark the occasion, the Minister for Health and Care, the Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez has published the designs for the new oncology suite at St Bernard’s Hospital.

On Wednesday, the Housing Minister Pat Orfila, accompanied by the constituent MP Nigel Feetham and Minister for Sports Leslie Bruzon, conducted a comprehensive site visit at Laguna Estate following an invitation from its proactive tenants association.

The Drugs Advisory Council was reconvened by the Ministry of Equality last month.

The Gibraltar Health Authority can confirm that there is an outbreak of scabies in a small number of residents at Hillsides residential dementia care facility.

The Gibraltar Sports and Leisure Authority (GSLA) is pleased to announce that as a result of the increased demand in the service, the opening hours for the Lathbury Sports Complex Swimming Pool will be extended as from Saturday 3rd February, 2024.

The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, accepted an invitation to visit PwC.

An initiative to inspire young people to use videography in an artistic and creative way is being launched by Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture.

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