Government has announced that all Government counters will be opened from Thursday 26th October, exactly two weeks since the General Election.

The Chief Minister, the Hon Fabian Picardo KC, said: “I am delighted to announce the re-opening of all Government counters from this coming Thursday. Unfortunately, one of the many consequences of the pandemic was the closure of our counters. Although many of these re-opened once the lockdowns were over, it is true that, for a number of reasons, many have not yet fully re-opened like before. I understand this has been an issue for some in our community who are reassured by the face-to-face interaction with our magnificent Civil and Public Servants and, following the matter being raised with me during the General Election campaign, and my commitments to open the counters fully, I instructed the Chief Secretary, immediately after the result of the election, to re- open all Government counters as a matter of urgency and I am grateful to everyone involved in implementing this key government policy.”







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