The GHA has said it is reviewing the children’s orthodontic and general dental waiting lists and will be sending an SMS message acknowledging those patients that are on one of their waiting lists.

The GHA will be working through these in clinical priority order and If GHA records show that a child is due a review, they will receive notification of an appointment for this to take place shortly thereafter.

'There are instances where GHA records show that some children have an invalid/expired GHA card, and we will kindly ask those to update their registration status so we are able to contact them with an appointment.'

This can be done by accessing the link:

Egov registration -

The GHA has saiid it will be working with its dental team to further resource and support the work to tackle the waiting lists in the short term. The position of a further new Dental Officer will be added to the current complement of dentists to enhance capacity in the service moving forward.

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