Earlier today the Office of the Chief Secretary held its first Public Service Excellence and Improvement Awards ceremony at the Mayor’s Parlour.
The Art Competition for Young Artists, organised by Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, is being held at the John Mackintosh Hall. This competitive exhibition is part of the annual Youth Arts Jamboree.
The Minister with responsibility for Digital and Financial Services, the Hon Albert Isola, has today confirmed changes to the GFSC’s annual regulatory fees for the financial year ending 31 March 2024.
The Gibraltar National Book Council was launched this afternoon, on the eve of World Book Day, by Minister for Culture John Cortes who presented the members of the Council and its aims and objectives.
Government has said it is aware that a scoping exercise regarding potential transfers of Service Users to the new facilities at Rooke site has been undertaken by the Elderly Residential Services at the behest of the Gibraltar Health Authority’s Director General, to understand resourcing implications of said transfers.
Just before the mid-term break, Governor's Meadow Lower Primary School celebrated Love and Kindness Week.
Read more: Governor's Meadow Lower Primary School celebrate Love and Kindness Week
The Director of Public Health has advised that the levels of winter viruses, including influenza and COVID, circulating in Gibraltar’s population have now decreased. The GHA has therefore removed the requirement for masks to be worn in its non-clinical areas.
Read more: GHA rolls back mask requirements in non-clinical areas
Government has announced that as part of the Gibraltar Active Travel Strategy, a project to provide pedestrian and cycling infrastructure as part of a wholescale beautification and landscaping project at Europort Avenue, Europort Road and Euro City Passage was given a unanimous green light for outline planning approval at Thursday’s DPC meeting.
Read more: Project to beautify and landscape Europort Avenue, Europort Road and Euro City Passage
Since the 8th February 2023, the Care Agency’s Events Committee, with the support from all its diverse departments, individual staff, and members of the public have purposefully undertaken the objective of raising funds for the Gibraltar Red Cross Turkey - Syria Appeal.
Read more: Care Agency raises over £5,000 for the Red Cross Turkey-Syria Appeal
The Borders and Coastguard Agency received reports that some Spanish officers (CNP) were asking over the weekend for reasons for travel and stamping passports.
Read more: HMGoG clarifies procedure for stamping of passports
The Ministry of Equality, together with the Gibraltar Garrison Library, will be marking this year’s International Women’s Day with a fireside chat on the 1st March with discussion theme, ‘Where are the women of Gibraltar?’
Read more: Fireside Chat Series to mark International Women’s Day
HMGoG has confirmed the passing of GHA surgeon, Dr George Chami, in Turkey following last week’s earthquake.
Read more: HMGoG Expresses Deepest Condolences on the Passing of Dr Chami
A Flash warning of Severe Weather for Severe Gale force winds has been issued, and is valid between 06:00 and 23:59 on Friday 10th February.
In his endeavour to clamp down on the illicit tobacco trade, the Chief Minister in close consultation with the Collector of Customs has added the area of Eaton Park, as well as the area behind Northview Terraces and the new Forbes building, to the list of Special Zones as per the Tobacco Act 1997.
Year 6 Students from St Bernard’s Upper Primary School visited Gibraltar’s Mario Finlayson National Art Gallery last week as part of their studies focusing on the works of Mario Finlayson himself.
Read more: St Bernard’s School Visits the Mario Finlayson National Art Gallery
AquaGib and the Gibraltar Electricity Authority have remodelled their monthly invoices to all consumers to show the value of the Government Subsidy to their monthly invoice.
Governor's Meadow Lower Primary School supported the Gibraltar Cardiac Association on Wear Red Day. The school also proudly celebrated that the Association's 'name the mascot competition' was won by a GMLP pupil. Beatie was the winning name!
His Excellency the Governor and the Chief Minister met on Friday to consider the fuller report provided to them by the Royal Gibraltar Police and His Majesty’s Customs Gibraltar in respect of the incident on Eastern Beach on Thursday.
Read more: Incident on Eastern Beach - Joint Statement from HE The Governor and Chief Minister
The underground parking at the Lathbury Sports Complex has been made available to the public. Initially the parking will be free of charge until the pay machines are installed within the next few weeks.
Read more: Lathbury Sports Complex Parking to be Made Available to the Public
The construction of the residential care home for the elderly at the former Rooke site is ongoing. These photos show what a typical room will be like inside the pre-fabricated modular units.
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