Good evening,
Once again this year Christmas will happily have been marked in most Gibraltarian households with growing prosperity and abundance.
Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture would like to remind the general public that the closing date for entries into this year’s Drama Festival is Monday 18th January. The Gibraltar International Drama Festival will take place at the Ince’s Hall Theatre between Monday 14th and Saturday 19th March 2016.
The Secular Humanist Society of Gibraltar has said it supports same sex marriage. The group has distributed to the media the following document which it submitted to the Government regarding the Command Paper on Same Sex Marriage:
Read more: Secular Humanist Society Supports Same Sex Marriage
In furtherance to our press release dated the 10th January regarding the local circulation of counterfeit Bank of England £50.00 notes and the arrests of 4 persons in connection with these crime reports, an ongoing RGP Economic Crime Unit investigation has resulted in an additional 7 persons being arrested throughout the course of yesterday (11th January 2016) and today (12th January 2016) for the offences of “Possession of a counterfeit note “and Passing a Counterfeit note,” as follows:
Read more: Counterfeit Notes - Further arrests by RGP Economic Crime Unit
The Govt says it ‘notes the latest statement made by the Opposition in respect of the Bill to amend the Public Finance Borrowing Powers Act. This Bill can be debated in Parliament in February. The Government does not consider it an urgent Bill that needs to be certified as one to be passed after less than six weeks of its publication.’
Read more: Opposition should be more Respectful of Parliament, says the Govt
Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has today proudly announced that Sand Dune House at the new Beach View Terraces estate has received its Certificate of Fitness and is now ready for completion.
Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of the Ministry of Culture is once again holding a competition to select a Logo for the Gibraltar Spring Festival 2016. The competition is open to all ages. Entrants may submit up to two original works. Entries must be submitted in an A4 size on paper or card, indicating whether the orientation is ‘portrait’ or ‘landscape’.
On Sunday 10th January a sick Filipino seaman was brought into the Port of Gibraltar from the CAPITAN VASSILIS, a Greek ship on its way from the Ivory Coast to Romania. Sadly, the seaman died before he could be treated at St Bernard’s Hospital. The death of the seaman is now a matter for the Coroner.
Read more: The Govt has amended its previous Press release regarding the Death of Seaman
The Governor and Commander-in-Chief Designate, Lieutenant General Edward Grant Martin Davis CB CBE and Mrs Lorraine Davis will arrive in Gibraltar onboard RFA Mounts Bay at 10.00am on Tuesday 19 January.
On Sunday 10th January a sick Filipino seaman was brought into the Port of Gibraltar from the CAPITAN VASSILIS, a Greek ship on its way from the Ivory Coast to Romania. Sadly, the seaman died before he could be treated at St Bernard’s Hospital. The death of the seaman is now a matter for the Coroner.
Following a report of theft involving various unauthorised transactions using a bank debit card in late December 2015, officers from the RGP’s Serious Crime Unit launched an investigation that saw enquiries conducted at various local retail establishments and the retrieval and reviewing of CCTV footage from various locations.
Read more: Fraud by False Representation & Theft Arrest & Charge
The Royal Gibraltar Police would like to advise the general public of several incidents during the past week whereby counterfeit £50.00 sterling (Bank of England) notes have been “passed” as payment for purchases made at several local establishments. A total of 6 reports of “Passing a Counterfeit Currency” have been received, with a total of 8 notes detected and seized.
Following a promotional board held by Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar’s Human Resources Department, several Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service personnel have been promoted.
HM Government of Gibraltar has today announced that it ‘is pleased with the positive trends in shipping activity at theport as it reviews its performance for 2015.’
Read more: A very large increase in number of ships calling at Gib
4 local men (aged 18 - 37) and 2 Spanish nationals (Aged 33 & 44yrs) were arrested in the early hours of Thursday 7th January 2016 by RGP uniformed officers on suspicion of various tobacco-related offences, following a high-speed vehicle pursuit and search of a residence at Ocean Heights.
Read more: Tobacco-related offences / Dangerous Driving Arrests & 120,000 cigarettes/vehicle seized.
Dear Editor,
I would be very grateful if this letter were published.
The Govt has today issued the following statement:
The principal change which is provided for in the Bill for an Act to amend the Public Finance (Borrowing Powers) Act 2008 is the equalisation of the net debt provision to the manifesto commitment of reaching a net debt position of £300m.
Read more: Statement on the Bill for an Act to amend the Public Finance (Borrowing Powers) Act 2008
The Spanish Government has today called for a resumption of bilateral dialogue between the United Kingdom and Spain on the sovereignty of Gibraltar.
Read more: Gibraltar's Sovereignty is not a Matter for Discussion
The Financial Services Commission's decision to release both its annual report - coincidentally three months late - and proposals to significantly increase the fees it charges licensees while the Rock’s financial community was focused less on business and more on Christmas cheer seems set to backfire.
Read more: FSC to ask for more money, despite taxpayers' subsidy of more than £500,000
On 22nd December 2015 the draft Bill to amend the Marriage Act was published as a Command Paper for public consultation. This is the start of the consultation in the legislative process; the stage before the proposal becomes a Bill for consideration and debate in Parliament.
Read more: Extension to Consultation Period for Command Paper on Marriage Act
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