The Parasol Foundation in collaboration with The Gibraltar Academy of Music and Performing Arts (GAMPA) on behalf of the Ministry of Culture are proud to announce “The Parasol Foundation Scholarship Programme”.
This programme has been designed to help the next generation of musicians and actors develop and have more teaching contact and prep time. Since its inception in September, the Academy has already welcomed over 300 students and looking at an expansion in the new academic year. HM Government of Gibraltar is extremely pleased with the progress of the Academy and is in full support of its continued development. As part of the “Learn an Instrument Campaign” presented in their Manifesto, a collaboration of this nature to promote children getting involved in music is extremely positive.
The Minister for Culture, the Hon Steven Linares said: “It is great and very welcome to be partners with the Parasol Foundation in order to give scholarships to students in the Academy. We are sure that this partnership will only be the first of many where students benefit. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the Parasol Foundation for having the vision of being part of the Academy which is one of our manifesto commitments”.
The collaboration between GAMPA and the Parasol Foundation is a perfect fit. The Parasol Foundation Trust is a philanthropic trust established in 2004 with a vision to enriching local communities by supporting both local and cross-border endowment programmes and introducing hands-on support from nonprofit partners in a variety of educational, cultural and health initiatives. The Trust is served by an International Advisory Board founded by its principal benefactor, Ruth Parasol.
There are many different scholarships available in this programme and we at the Gibraltar Academy of Music & Performing Arts are very grateful to the Parasol foundation for their support. Two Scholarships for “Excellence and Promise “will be on offer: This will be offered to students who show a high level of skill or have the potential to excel. Students will need to present 2 contrasting pieces as well as a series of technical skills in front or a panel as part of an audition process.
Further six Scholarships will be offered to students with Financial Hardships: Extra-curricular activities can prove to be expensive if a student feels they really want to dedicate themselves to a certain series of classes. GAMPA is giving the opportunity for six students to apply or be referred for this scholarship.
Ensemble Scholarships: This is open to all students of the Academy. GAMPA will be offering String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Corps of Drums, Solfege, Vocal Ensemble and Piano Ensemble Classes in order to get children accustomed to playing as part of a group. This will develop their ensemble skills with a view to having the children develop into become a Youth Orchestra. These classes will have no maximum limit of students. They will be selected according to their progress during the term.
Together with HM Government, the Parasol Foundation have also supported the Academy with a Scholarship for Drama and Music books in order to complete the Academy’s Library as well as the funding of more instruments.
The Parasol Foundation Scholarship Programme will start in April 2016 and run until April 2017.
GAMPA will be holding auditions for students interested in the “Excellence and Promise Scholarships” on Wednesday 23rd March. For further information please email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in order for us to send you all the information as well as an entry form.