Commissioner of Police Eddie Yome CPM is attending the 9th annual conference on Border Security in Rome, Italy.
The theme as described by the Chairman, Rear Admiral (ret’d) Massimo Annati is:
“With the continuing instability in North Africa and the Middle East there is a greater focus on Europe's external borders, particularly in Italy, Spain, Greece and surrounding Mediterranean countries. With this in mind, Rome is the most appropriate location for this critical forum and the event will take place with the support of Italian Navy".
During the two day conference, the Commissioner, who is also attending in his capacity as the President of the European Airports and Seaports Police and Vice-President of the the International Association of Airports and Seaports Police, will be attending presentations such as: “Europol’s Joint Operational Team”; “Strengthening border security in response to irregular migration”, [by the French National Police]; “The UNHCR perspective on the European Refugee Crisis” and “Risk assessment at Borders – The Ports of Malta Perspective.”