In preparation for a trip to the United Kingdom in July, the Youth Service spent an exciting weekend at the Gibraltar Retreat Centre for the sixteen young people that are involved.
This bonding weekend gave the participants an opportunity to get to know each another and the youth leaders that will be accompanying them. Over the two-day period, the young people started to plan activities in preparation for the trip.
The participants were tasked with developing a leaflet and a PowerPoint presentation raising awareness of Gibraltar, which will be one of the duties carried out when visiting various youth provisions in the UK.
Young people are aiming to raise funds to subsidise the trip, which will promote contact between local youth clubs and similar organisations in the UK.
Youth leaders organised a variety of fun activities to encourage the youngsters to get to know each other including a quiz evening, a treasure hunt and a karaoke evening.
For any general information about the Gibraltar Youth Service please contact Mark Zammit, Principal Youth Officer on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 20078637. You can also visit our website