Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar wishes to congratulate James Neish QC and Commissioner of Police, Eddie Yome, on their appointment to the Board of Trustees of the Calpe House Trust.
The Government also wishes to express its gratitude to the two new trustees for volunteering their time and talents in support of the Trust's important work.
It is exactly one year since the Government and the Trust jointly announced the acquisition of new Calpe House premises in Norfolk Square, London, near St Mary's Hospital. After major refurbishment, these premises will provide 36 apartments for use by sponsored patients and their families. As well as representing a three-fold increase on the current level of provision, these modern, ensuite apartments will provide a huge improvement in the standard of accommodation to be made available in Gibraltar's 'home from home' in London.
The Government also joins the Trustees in thanking members of the public for their tremendous enthusiasm and their continuing financial assistance for such a worthwhile project.